While this is true, 16’s fears WERE verified, the information 16 was working on objectively was not “he could blow up solar systems.” It was vastly more likely he was referring to the information projected by the Supercomputer (which is already out of date/wrong because it didn’t account for the changes in the Z-Fighters PL relative to the 3 years training for 19 and 20, and definitely could not adequately cover the present Cell, who had engorged himself on hundreds of thousands of humans specifically because his power output, {which is literally decided by the Supercomputer that made him}, was lower than 17’s and thus literally could not quantify Cell’s strength trajectory. Even assuming 16 was calculating that trajectory in the present moment with his Supercomputer Brain, this same brain still wouldn’t be operating on the understanding a “Super Perfect Cell” could even exist.
Edit: That’s to say, it’s vastly more likely it was interpreting Cell’s power as a “Large Star Buster” or what have you, not Solar Systems, and he’d clear out the Universe over time one planet and Star at a time.