He literally cannot be the same Zamasu they’re parallel versions of each other Present Zamasu was erased which would’ve affected that he would’ve became like Black but he didn’t because he got erased
which again only happened because of the time ring, he was the same zamasu until his past self got erased and made a split in the timeline
the Zamasu from “The History Where Goku Lives” is erased he’s gone they’re not the same the timeline splits at different points in time he’s from another timeline where Beerus doesn’t kill him and his plan goes through and travels to trunk’s timeline
do you know how timeline splits work? They stilk share the same past, again, you are ingnoring the fact that the only reason black was not affected by the erasure of his past self was because of the time ring, they were the same and black would have been gone have been not for the time ring protecting him
That’s not normal Causality… if the past of one timeline doesn’t normally affect the future
it was all 1 timeline before the split, so moot point
and for a different instance it does thats a special situation and doesn’t apply all of the time and only in the situation
dude side note but please organize your replies? I can barely understand the gramat of this sentence or what it is refering to
idk what it is but that isn’t normal cause and effect if DB timelines didnt work like it did then I’d agree that it’s normal Causality
once again you are forgeting that beerus explained that this is not the case when a god kills another, they don't make split timelines, so yeah, it is just normal cause and effect
So you concede on that point? If it’s a diverging timeline it’s still a timeline that’s how timelines work in DB and we accept it as such
Concede on what? Black is of the same timeline as goku until the moment the timeline splited via his past self getting killed, which would normaly make him disapear since that is how it works for gods in db as explained by beerus, seriously it is very convenient for you to ignore a statement you brought up when it doesn't contribute to your narrative
Then they’re not the same timeline… in the timeline where Black is from he wasn’t originally killed by Beerus
Again ignoring beerus' explanation, yes it was of the same timeline, beerus would have made black disapear via having his past self killed since this is how gods work, the only reason they are of different timelines is because of the time ring protecting him from changes in his past
but in the past timeline Beerus killing him present Zamasu would’ve affected him as his future counterpart but he was saved by the time ring
Oh so you concede that it is normal cause and effect then? His past self affecting his future self, okay then good
I’m not conceding that was what I was saying the entire time Future Trunks timeline and the history where Goku lives also split at a certain point Goku Black and this timeline split at a certain point as well just much later but that makes them 2 different diverging timelines
Yeah, at a certain point, they are the same timeline before the said point tho, in fact, the only reason they split is because black had the ring that stoped his past self frol affecting him
A loop can have Everything you just said
Nope, a loop doesn't have a begining since the "end" makes the begining happen
So you agree that they’re from 2 timelines? It’s not a paradox it’s just how it works when a god alters history normally that doesn’t happen and causes a branching timeline
It is the oposite, when a god kills another god the timeline doesn't split but changes its future
Exactly they’re still 2 different timelines you keep saying they’re 1 timeline when they’re 2 timeline 2 and 1 also have the same past but again they’re 2 different timelines do you see my point now? All 3 are different timelines but they split at different points in time making them branching timelines you’ve been arguing oh it’s just 1 timeline that’s wrong
I have been arguing that they WERE the same timeline, not that they still are, black is from the unaltered timeline, only reason the timeline split qas because black was wearing the time ring, not for that he would have died
If you’re referring to the timeline Whis mentioned then yeah ur right about that and I never denied that
Good then