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Doctor Who Addition

I have now inserted the quote.
Well, the quote also implies the multiverse has infinite higher layers that actually transcend each other. So dimensional tiering wouldn't really matter.
Transcending a multiverse does not remotely automatically mean qualitatively transcending all degrees of space and time, no matter how many infinite dimensions you stack up, and like I mentioned earlier, Ultima will revise our system soon anyway.
NoMoreTalking said:

So, can I add the Eternity Clock to the profile?
Please elaborate regarding what exactly you wish to change in the page.
Under the new system an infinitely layered multiverse is High 1-C

...which means, ironically enough, Doctor Who might stay High 1-C
Only if it is proven that ever additional dimension is reliably treated as infinitely superior to the preceding one within this setting, and this does not generally seem to be the case.
Please summarise why you all suddenly think that the Doctor Who multiverse itself has infinite levels of existence, rather than the more canonically defined 11 or 27 dimensions.
It was linked earlier in the thread, the spiral scratch novel

But it should be noted that in doctor Who terms Multiverse isn't the same as Omniverse
Personally, I sort of feel the infinite dimensions stuff in Spiral Scratch is just a one off statement. The term Omniverse is hardly used at all in Doctor Who, outside a few stories, and some of those portray it as the same as a regular multiverse.
I think that we should keep the two terms separate for Doctor Who.
They are usually separate, of course, and I absolutely agree, I just meant some treat it as the same and generally not infinite dimensional. For example, the story No Future—the one that calls the Guardians of Time "powers in the omniverse that can do anything"—portrays the Omniverse the same way anyone would a multiverse

  • 'Prison gives you time. Time to think. That alternative reality where the Silurians ruled... it wasn't a natural universe, it wasn't one that ―' 'Oh, I know.' Benny cut in quietly, blowing on her mug. 'You can only care about people if they're real in some way. Very obscure, especially for them.' The Doctor ignored her, taking a long gulp of tea. 'So if it wasn't a natural branching of the omniverse it must have been created artificially.'
But then in Spiral Scratch, timelines don't brach off the Omniverse, whole multiverses do.

  • Rummas agreed with the Doctor's assessment. 'Yes,' he said aggitatedly. 'I honestly think we're facing a pan-multiversal rip. A scratch right through the grooves of the vortex spiral, causing jumps and gashes. And if something bleeds through from one multiverse to another...'
  • 'Devour time. There's nothing they like more than to completely extinguish an entire multiverse of realities just to feed.'
By the way, I just realised the infinitely layered quote doesn't even refer to the Omniverse, he's talking about the Spiral (which isn't even described as being a part of the Omniverse in this story). At most, this would scale to the Time Vortex, since it forms the axis of the Time Vortex, but even that's very contradictory to most stories

  • And in a flash of light she resumed her Lamprey form and vanished straight into the heart of the Spiral that formed the axis of the space-time vortex.
  • Whilst there, he discovered three new atomic elements that, when combined, opened the causality loops, enabled unfettered access to the space-time vortex and unleashed the Lampreys previously imprisoned in the Spiral at the apex of the [Time] Vortex
Antvasima said:
NoMoreTalking said:

So, can I add the Eternity Clock to the profile?
Please elaborate regarding what exactly you wish to change in the page.
Just adding the Eternity Clock to the equipment and Low 2-C key.

By the way, in the scan that I posted, there are 43 dimensions tho.

Also, here's the Master's new image.

The All Master

Thank you for the information.


The new image is probably fine.

Can somebody summarise some information about the Eternity Clock and from what storyline it comes please? I have a lot of tasks to juggle at once.

The 43 dimensions scan is likely too obscure to contradict far more prominent and official sources.

Eternity Clock is from the game Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock.

It can creates the time storm and tearing reality and universe apart. (I finished the game, and I confirmed that the Doctor really stated that).
Okay. That seems fine to add then.
Okay. Should we close this thread, or is there something left to do here?
I'm going to sleep, but I'm just going to point out all of the feats that @ByAsura gathered for us.
What would need to change from that, in summary?
ByAsura said:
Keep in mind that this might not be absolutely everything.
Information Analysis (All TARDISes are capable of performing environmental checks on planets or monitoring their position in space-time. Can create 12-D datamaps) The Doctor seals off a part of the universe from a 5-D being.

Matter Manipulation. The TARDIS could convert 25% of its rooms into energy during Castrovalva. Nyssa confirms that they did "burn it up" rather than just Jettison it.

The TARDIS can enter conceptual space. The TARDIS can also travel to Parallel Universes, which are directly stated to be another space-time continuum, before they were closed.

Portal Creation and resistance to radiation. Also, Einstein trying to replicate his time travel could create portals.

Converts Einstein from an Ood into a human.

Resistance to spatial manipulation, more resistance. Also resistance to Temporal BFR (Krasko was unable to displace The Doctor's TARDIS due to it being "forceshielded", a feature all TARDISes possess, with the latter even realizing it was a TARDIS due to this fact)

The TARDIS can increase and decrease in size.

The TARDIS has a potential evolution feature, where it can gain new and random powers.

Higher-Dimensional Existence (Exists conterminously with the 5th dimension)

Explosion Manipulation (Can create controlled explosions capable of reverting spatial paradoxes with the "wibbly lever")

Heat Manipulation with Stasis Halos (Able to block off a heat signature even when the surrounding temperature was absolute zero)

Light Manipulation (Can create "hard-light" holograms. Produced a blinding light to ward off The Shadow—a minion of the Black Guardian)

  • The mute swung the TARDIS door fully open. A flood of light spilled out into the corridor. The Shadow shrank back, wrapping his skull-like visage in his cloak. 'Too much light...' he croaked. He tried to make himself go forward, like a man swimming against a strong current but the radiance coming from the TARDIS was too much for him.
Forcefield and Attack Reflection (Deflected a volley of missiles into a planet, destroying it)

  • Fire!' shouted the Marshal. The pilot's finger pressed the button just as the time-loop snapped. The rockets ignited and the deadly missiles streaked away from the ship. The Marshal leaned back smiling. 'The moment of victory. Any second now my beautiful mushrooms will blossom and burst. He leaned forward to stare out of the viewing port, and gave a gasp of astonishment. 'No, no!' he shrieked. 'It's the wrong target!' The rockets struck - and the black asteroid, the Shadow's Planet of Evil, disintegrated into one enormous fireball. [...] The last flaming fragments of the Planet of Evil faded from the screen of the TARDIS scanner. 'Good shot, sir,' said the Doctor softly. Romana stared at him. 'But Doctor, he hit the asteroid. He was aiming at Zeos! What did you do?' 'Oh, nothing really,' said the Doctor airily. 'Merely set up a deflective forcefield between the Marshal and Zeos. It bounced the missiles smack onto the asteroid.' 'Oh is that all? I thought you'd done something clever!' 'You might have told us,' said Drax reproachfully. 'We was expecting to get blasted into infinity.' K9 appeared in the doorway. 'Affirmative!
Resistance to Magnetism Manipulation (The First Doctor stated that it would take a magnetic force equal to a Solar System to drain his TARDIS of power)

  • DOCTOR: Oh, think not as you or I do, but it must be able to think as a machine. You see, it has a bank of computers.
  • BARBARA: You say the power is under this column?
  • DOCTOR: Yes.
  • BARBARA: And the column holds it down.
  • DOCTOR: Yes.
  • BARBARA: Well, then, what would make it want to escape?
  • DOCTOR: I've been racking my brains. I don't know.
  • IAN: Something outside?
  • DOCTOR: Yes, possible.
  • IAN: A magnetic force?
  • DOCTOR: Well, it would have to be a gigantic one. A one as strong as a solar system.
  • DOCTOR: I know. I know. I said it would take the force of a total solar system to attract the power away from my ship. We're at the very beginning, the new start of a solar system. Outside, the atoms are rushing towards each other. Fusing, coagulating, until minute little collections of matter are created. And so the process goes on, and on until dust is formed. Dust then becomes solid entity. A new birth, of a sun and its planets.
Now time for the Solar System level, likely far higher upgrade. This'll just be a copy-paste of this thread, which basically goes over how the tractor beam feat is an early TARDIS and how it has since been upgraded.

The Fifth and Sixth Doctors (who come in well after the tractor beam feat) have both made some pretty massive overhauls to their TARDIS, with the latter's even being roughtly comparable to The Master's newly upgraded TARDIS, which is constantly stated to be far superior in every way, before its generators were improved in The Quantum Archangel.

  • The Doctor had been repairing the TARDIS console which had suffered badly in a recent Cybermen attack. He had assured Tegan that the TARDIS was now even better than new, a claim Tegan viewed with her usual scepticism.
  • It should have been unbeatable: omniscient, omnipotent. But the two TARDISes were holding their own. Both machines had been reworked again and again since their birth in the TARDIS cradles, with countless improvements from countless civilisations. And for the first time since they had both left those same cradles, they were on the same side. The Quantum Archangel was losing. The two TARDISes, fighting as one, broke through the sidereal barrier, knocking the Quantum Archangel away as if she were no more than an irritation, rearranging their apron wakes into whips and knives to keep her at bay.
  • 'It is a time machine,' the Doctor said pointedly. 'However, the Master's TARDIS bears about as much resemblance to the standard Type 40 as mine does.
  • The time ram was taking far longer than he had anticipated; perhaps the Doctor had made a few improvements to his battered old capsule since the Master had last broken into it. But he suspected this had more to do with the Doctor's legendary luck than any technical prowess. No, the results of time rams were as inevitable as death and taxes.
Now for the feat itself. On three occasions The Doctor's TARDIS has heavily damaged Dalek Saucers, and once took a glancing blow from a Dalek Stealth Ship, which are stated to be more powerful than Saucers and can destroy Battle TARDISes

The Doctor also adapts his TARDIS' shields to become immune to Time Torpedoes from Battle TARDISes, something that could previously freeze his TARDIS.


Powers and abilities.
Okay. What powers do you specifically want to add?
I'd also like to point out the quantum archangel novel establishes the omniverse as being the collection of all miltvierses
Has anybody asked some staff members for evaluation help?
Not yet, I think we should gather up the information and do it later.

I'm already bought Doctor Who The Adventure Game, I just wait for the packing. The game may have good stuff.