I'm enjoying it. I believe this is an elseworlds DC, as Superman is proposing to Lois Lane right when Godzilla shows up. The plot picks up immediately, which I think works to its benefit. The Justice League (minus Hal Jordan) are shown to be really supportive of Clark, which I thought was sweet. I like the Legion of Doom members they've chosen (Lex Luthor, Grodd, Giganta, Cheetah, Black Manta, Captain Cold and Toyman).
The Legion of Doom infiltrated the Fortress of Solitude to steal a Motherbox, but Toyman ****** up the mission and the box malfunctioned, sending them to the Monsterverse. Toyman, seeing the giant monsters in this universe, suggests that they use them to destroy the Justice League. The Legion ignores him, and using a red gem he stole from the Fortress of Solitude, Toyman wishes for the monsters to attack the League. Godzilla appears in Metropolis bay before Lois can say yes or not to Clark's proposal, and Superman flies off to fight Godzilla.