Priority: 2
Verse: Ragna Crimson
Feat: Ragna and Taratektora create a big explosion.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4 (For scaling.)
Image 5 (For scaling.)
Image 6 (For a possible timeframe. The feat happens immediately after this scan.)
Context: Basically, two characters are fighting, one uses explosions and fire, one uses ice. The crystalline structure that is next to the explosion is ice because the characters clashed against each other to make the explosion, which is why the ice is against the fire. I added Image 4 and 5 for scaling because those areas are relative to where the explosion happened. Image 6 is for a possible timeframe if required.
I have added this because I realized through some discussion that this calculation may be more complex than initially thought due to the obscurity of the feat.