Priority: 3 or higher (Finds at least AP for Supergirl, possibly Durability for Superman as well.)
Verse/Character: DC Superhero Girls/Supergirl (&/or Superman)
Description: In frustration with a game, Supergirl throws a basketball. It recoils in the arcade, catches fire as it breaks through the roof, bounces off Superman in high speed flight, bounces about the city, knocking out a criminal, bounces to the moon, moving the moon slightly as it ricochets back to Earth, landing back in the arcade with a small explosion. <-- Feat starts at approximately 1:45
Note that I'd assume it's possible the KE from hitting Superman in high speed motion (Who didn't even notice the basketball's impact with him.) was what gave it the energy to reach the moon, as opposed to Supergirl's throwing of it, or it could be a combination of both.
As such, I think it may be valuable to calculate it catching fire & breaking the arcade roof (Definitely applicable to Supergirl if the rest isn't.), as well as the energy to send it to space, & how much to move the moon how much it did.