Considering that earth's circumference is 40075000 meters, sending it spinning at 440,000 meters per second would be 0.50599747474 Degrees per second, which is 0.008831321940967932 Rads
Now, we need to find Earth's moment of inertia, which is (1/3) * mass * length in meters^2. In this case, Earth's Mass is 5.972e+24 kilograms, and it's diameter, and thereby length, is 12,742,000 meters.
(1/3) times 5.972e+24 times 12,742,000^2 is 3.2320178e+38
RKE is Moment of Inertia times .5 times rads per second^2, so, 3.2320178e+38 * 0.5 * 0.008831321940967932^2 is....
1.2603617e+34 Joules, 3.01233665503 Yottatons, Large Planet level