Is there a mistake in the page for Quincy physiology? The following is from the
official anime website:
When I put it inside google translate, I get this:
Blood Armor
An Annihilator can strengthen both his offensive and defensive abilities by injecting spiritual particles directly into his veins.
The stronger the power of the Annihilator who activates it, the stronger his body will be after the enhancement, rivaling that of a Shinigami in bankai.
There are two types of blood armor: "Brute Alterie," which is useful for attack, and "Brute Vene," which is useful for defense.
Since each uses an independent spiritual particle system within the body, they cannot be activated at the same time.
Pure Annihilators are born with this power, but those who are not can acquire it through training.
There isn't any mentions of electron. '霊子' is reishi and 'システム' is
system, according to The word for 'electron' seems to be '電子',
according to Is this a mistranslation?
edit: This is the picture