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If someone has very important blogs and calculations that were accepted a time ago, it is better not to change your user name, cause it could happen the same as me who lost all of his accepted work.'Kay so I've been hearing weird shit about new blog comments being deleted long after the user's name has been changed, like the comment was made long after the username got changed and still got deleted, which apparently happened in @Apex_Predator_GX's case, maybe?
In any case, Fandom has had a crippling bug where changing your username leads to all blog comments going poof. It needs to be fixed ASAP, as it leaves several people vulnerable to being forced to keep their name when they want to change it (I know you can change your name only once but this bug puts that at risk). It seems it hasn't been fully fixed yet across the board (CloverDragon03 was an exception but it seems the other people are still at risk of this), and thus I put this as a high-priority issue to fix ASAP.
I asked Fandom for help, and they said they would fix the problem, but that was three weeks ago, and I don't see a quick fix for this problem. My question now is if Fandom solves "one day" the problem that will happen to recently made comments on my blogs?