this argument has been debunked to death here i will show u
The argument that support this claim is a page of the Daizenshuu stating: “天よりも高く、人間界からは窺い知ることができない次元を超越した天の国神々はこの地から世界のすべてを見おろしている.” - “Higher than the heavens, transcending dimensions that cannot be seen from the human world, the gods of the heavenly lands look down on all the world from this place.” [
Literal translation made by DeepL.]
The word “次元” which is translated as “dimensions” and interpreted as “spatial dimensions” in order for the World Beyond to be 5-dimensional. However, within the context of Dragonball which isn’t based on really advanced physics and never discussed about spatial dimensions (i.e 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, etc), this isn’t coherent for a guidebook to talk about a concept that is never mentionned nor relevent to the plot of Dragonball. With the actual context of Dragonball, “次元” is also used to describe worlds/dimensional spaces just like how Elder Kaioshin and Dende reference the Hyperbolic Time Chamber as “時の異次元世界じや” - “Another dimension/world of time” (Elder Kaioshin), “こっちの世界とは次元がちがうから二度と出てはこれません…” - “Because this world is in a different dimension, you can never come out again…” (Dende). The Hyperbolic Time Chamber cannot just be a dimensional axis/spatial dimensions since 3-dimensional characters are able to freely move in this world.
By taking into account how “
次元” is used within Dragonball, it is consistent to to the Daizenshuu scan to actually mean “Higher than the heavens, transcending
the worlds that cannot be seen from the human world, the gods of the heavenly lands look down on all the world from this place.” We can make the assumptions that these worlds are the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and the Demon Realm, which would mean that World Beyond surpass the entire Living World as a whole. And the meaning of “transcending” these world would reference the fact that the World Beyond is a
spiritual realm, where gods, deity that are considered to be superior than humans, exist upon this world and that the very nature of the World Beyond is to be a divine realm. So it conclusion, it means that the World Beyond is a spiritual realm that surpass the Living World in a metaphorical way (i.e: the World Beyond is a divine realm while the Living World isn’t).
And the other translation made by Herms doesn’t change much as it describe the World Beyond to be a “dimensionally transcendental heavenly country”. With the context of the World Beyond be a spiritual realm that possess souls in it, “transcendental” means “spiritual”. Meaning that the World Beyond is a spiritual plane.
so disagree