MrTayman616 Damage3245 MrTayman616 wrote on Damage3245's profile.
Hi, can you evaluate this two thread please?
Saitama&Garou resistance to Antimatter manipulation
Saitama should get resistance to existance erasure or at least resistance to antimatter manipulation. For their time travel, with their matter manipulation, what they did was a C-symmetry "Charge", where all his particles became anti particles and the opposite. when he fusioned with the saitama...
OPM CFM Garou surviving inside of a Black hole
Garou survives inside of a black hole, at the center of the black hole, which it's accepted as "In the same way the forces holding our body together usually do so in a manner so that it is evenly accelerated through gravitation. But in a black hole things become extreme. Destruction would occur...