I am currently very disattisfied with our High-Tier Marvel Comics pages. All our Multi-Abstract characters are ranked due to the showings of a single panel, and that's it.
If we truly want to be accurate and unbiased, we need to base ourselves on the multiple, supported evidence, regardless of our personal bias and wants. If a character has repeated showings of being X or Y level, than a single instance where the contrary was shown should not matter. Likewise, we cannot use date of publication and prominence of the story arc as an argument. All the stories and feats that are being showcased here still happened, and as such the ideal that is more pervading across the years and comics should be adopted.
As such, let's showcase various definitions on the Marvel Multiverse across the comics.
These pages, found within
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #21, are
the most famous and often showcased definition of the Marvel Multiverse that has ever appeared, and in it they show that the Multiverse is made of a Cantor Sets, an infinite series of transfinite numbers, each greater than the last, starting with Aleph-Null.
"Before one can hope to comprehend the Multiverse, in even te most limited way, one must first grasp the notion that the very concept of "Infinity" is relative. For instance: Numbers are infinite. So are odd numbers. Yet, by definition, there are twice as many numbers as there are odd numbers. One "Infinity" is included within a larger "Infinity." (...) Goerg Cantor, a russian monk at the turn of this century, was the first to study what he called "Transfinite" numbers, starting with Aleph - An infinite series of infinite numbers, all greater than each other. Quite understandably, he died a madman. Yet, it is of such concepts and more -- That the Multiverse is made. For the Multiverse is literally a transfinite number -- That is, a number greater than infinity -- of universes. These universes are often popularly called "Dimensions."
"Further outward, we encounter universes whose number of Spatial Dimensions is "Irrational" -- As witness Pi, that mystic number which stretched onward into infinity. And human visual representation of these universes is necessarily distorted or incomplete. Among these are Tiboro's "Sixth Dimension" -- Tazzas Lonely Domain -- Nighmare's Dimension of Dreams -- And the Dark Dimension, of which more will be said. There are universes whose number of Spatial Dimensions range between 2.7268409 (etc.) and 6.2985923 (etc.). Though natural laws therein may range from Science and Magic, these all share a commonality of Concepts. Hence the are grouped together into a Cluster. Man's cluster is one of the responsabilities of the All-Powerful Being known as The Living Tribunal. Journeying towards "Lower" Universes with fewer than 2.7268409 (etc.) dimensions -- or toward "Higher" ones with more than 6.2985923 (Etc). -- One enters universes which are truly different. Yet, even there, life exists -- albeit in forms totally inconceivable to mankind. There, The Living Tribunal takes other shapes to administer the other clusters. (...)"
Read the underline quotes. It establishes what a transfinite number is, and how there are infinite transfinite numbers out there. It establishes how these transfinite universes are called dimensions, and how these universes are grouped into clusters that either share the same dimensions, physical laws, etc. There is an infinite number of clusters, and given that the Multiverse encompasses the full-extent of Cantor's Transfinite-Set concept, it can't be anything but High 1-B. TheLivingTribunal1 can give more input into this.
Another well known evidence, from
Defenders #3. Here, the Multiversal Eternity is defined as:
Worlds within worlds! Dimensions folding onto themselves! Entire universes being born... And collapsing into ruin! And yet I sense that all this -- is but the merest fraction of what Eternity is!
And the outside of the Multiversal Eternity's self?
In a place that exists beyond all time and space, that transcends all levels of reality and dream
So this 100% establishes that the Multiversal Eternity is made of infinite dimensions and worlds contained within other worlds. This is identical to the Cosmology seem within series like The Dark Tower, an infinite hierarchy contained of endless dimensional layers. And since the outside of Multi-Eternity is a Hyperdimensional boundless nothingness outside of all space and time, transcending all reality and dream, this is further confirmed.
Fantastic Four #51, Reed Richards travels into Subspace, first encountering a 4-Dimensional realm within it, and then traveling further and finding a realm of infinite dimensions.
It's almost more than human eyes can bear! I'm actually witnessing a Four Dimensional Universe-- But the effect of seeing it with Three-Dimensional Vision is indescribable!
I've done it!! I'm drifting into a world of limitless dimensions!! It's the Crossroads of Infinity -- The junction of Everywhere!
And before you say that the second quote isn't specifying Spatial Dimensions, it literally happens in the very next page after the first one. Reed described a universe with 4 Spatial Dimensions, and after exploring more he found a universe containing Infinite Dimensions.
Behold those who transact on Transfinite Levels of Existence which humankind will not even imagine for tens of thousands of years
According to this storyline, the Abstracts exist on transfinite levels of existence that are far above everything in human imagination and science. Perhaps hyperbolic and outlierish for the weakest Abstracts? Sure, but it is yet another evidence of Multi-Abstracts easily qualifying for High 1-B.
As we know, The Pre-Retcon Beyonder was explicitly described as Infinite-Dimensional.
"Physical?" having but three dimensions instead of an infinite number? Such a thing was unknown to him.
He was also one with the Beyond-Realm, which was in-fact just another Multiverse. And the main Marvel Multiverse was also defined as Infinite-Dimensional within Secret Wars II.
The Beyonder is not from a different dimension or a different planet, he is from a whole different universe - actually a whole different multi-verse.
He decided that it was time to investigate a rather odd thing he had noticed about our universe -- Namely that it is Many-Layered -- Composed of a seemingly endless number of dimensions. Indeed, it is a Multiverse -- Beckoning him to explore.
The mention of the Multiverse being composed of infinite layers of dimension would confirm that they are Spatial Dimensions. And while The Beyonder and the Beyond-Realm's power were later retconned and greatly reduced, the Multiverse's nature was not. In fact, there is a storyline specifically dealing with the Retconned Beyonder that supports this view.
Yes, our might is infinite, but there are levels of Infinity.
Consider then, the set called whole numbers -- 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. Is it not Infinite?
Then consider the set called even numbers -- 2, 4, 6, , and so on -- How long is it?
Half of infinity is still infinity. And the same would be true of the set of odd numbers?
Both sets are infinite, and yet the set of whole numbers contains both subsets, and is therefore twice as large as either subset alone. Thus are demonstrated two levels of infinity. There are, of course, an infinite number more.
Once again, an usage of Cantor's Transfinite concepts, and infinite sets of infinities each greater than the previous.
Within the pages of
New Exiles, the Omniverse (Which according to the storyline
is infinite multiverses, is composed of:
Imagine -- dimension after dimension, stacked one beside the other, stretching across the breadth of conceptual infinity.
Infinite dimensions stacked / layered next to each other, stretching across conceptual infinity.
More evidence, from the
Infinity Abyss storyline. Adam Warlock ecapes the universe he's in through a portal:
A portal to the realms beyond time and space.
I was indeed outside the influence of Eternity and Infinity. Untouched by either Time or Space. It was a Vortex of Myriad Alls, spiraling upwards into an infinity beyond infinity.
Need I say more? This is 100% explicit in showcasing how the Marvel reality is made of infinite levels of infinite and how there is a boundless void beyond it all. Oh, and also a direct reference to Oblivion being outside this all too:
My all was adrift, nearing the edge of Oblivion.
During the
Incredible Hercules comic, Amadeus Cho has this to say:
He can't risk anyone with a -- a "Hypermind" like ours -- Who can observe the Multiverse on Infinite Levels, seeing through his façade -- Yanking back the curtain -- Collapsing the Wave Function of all possible worlds
Another description of the Multiverse containing infinite levels, coupled with a direct mention of
Wave Functions:
According to the superposition principle of quantum mechanics, wave functions can be added together and multiplied by complex numbers to form new wave functions and form a Hilbert space.
This is yet another evidence that the Marvel Multiverse is an Infinite-Dimensional Hilbert Space.
For evidence that Oblivion might be 1-A, as he is beyond time, space and the already proven Infinite-Dimensional Multiverse:
His realm is described as:
Somewhere that has no time nor place, beyond the ken of mortals...
You are here because you ceased to exist. You have come to The One who embodies non-existence. You have come to Oblivion. Before the multiverse was... I was. A the end of all things... I wait. I am the void... The breath between life and death... Between death and rebirth. Between heaven and hell. My true form is beyond that which you see. I transcend form -- and shape and substance. This body... This realm... And everyone and everything IN it... Are my Creations.
"Return now to non-being... Feel the consciousness draining from you. Fell all that you are stripped away... Consumed. You are beyond loneliness. Beyond pain. Beyond even the memory of what you once were. Oblivion is all that -- and more. For unlike you... I have consciousness of what I am. I feel every ripple in the sea of eternal emptiness... Every ebb in the tide of eternal nihility. Death has his joys... As do Love, Eternity and the countless other cosmic deities who play their parts in the Divine Drama... But Oblivion... Has nothing.
Confirming that Oblivion is a void of pure nothingness existing outside time, space and substance, and who predates the Multiverse, and how most other Abstracts are beneath him.
Before Creation was... I was. Where Creation ends... I wait. I am the Void. The breath between life and death. Between death and rebirth. The Nothing -- From which The Everything springs. This form you see, this throne I sit upon -- Are illusions... Created for your benefit, not mine. For if you looked upon me as I truly am you would cease to exist. A state of affairs that would please me to no end.
Once again, Oblivion's nature as the Embodiment of pure nothingness and a complete void is reinforced.
The Chaos King is the darkness and chaos that existed before existence itself. He is an Anti-God. The void against which I am defined. He and I walk hand in hand. If I fight him, I fight myself.
Confirming that Chaos King = Multi-Eternity, as Chaos King is seeking to destroy the entire Multiverse in the arc.
Amatsu-Mikaboshi is just Oblivion's avatar.
Now, for fairness sake, what goes against the Multiverse being Infinite-Dimensional and Oblivion being vastly superior to the other Abstracts and beyond all dimensional space and time?
For the former,
a 16th Dimensional Multiversal Superspace was mentioned once.
For the later, Quasar #25
defined Oblivion as equal to Eternity, Infinity and Death. Though Quasar #37
established that this storyline happened between M-Bodies of all the entities, so it's irrelevant.
Oh, and the Handbook said that Oblivion has a temporal axis.
Weather or not 1-A Oblivion is agreed on or not, one thing is for certain: 1-B Marvel Multiverse and Multi-Abstracts is immense lowballing, and they should all be upgraded to High 1-B.
I personally believe that Oblivion is 1-A, though if that scales or not to The Living Tribunal, I am unsure.