- 61,177
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Yupia |
Powers and Stats Tier: 7-A Name: Yupia Origin: Rock Hard Gladiators Gender: Female Age: Unknown Classification: Cyborg/Stickman Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled in hand to hand combat, Skilled swordsma, Regenerationn (Low-Mid), Energy Projection, Plasma Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Flight, Berserk Mode, Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception (Fully aware of everything within her surroundings up to half a mile), Information Analysis, Extreme pain tolerance Attack Potency: Mountain level (Defeated Syn and Hue, Destroyed Bog's body with a misplaced attack) Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Comparable to Syn and Hue) Lifting Strength: Class T (Comparable to Bog) Striking Strength: Mountain Class Durability: Mountain level Stamina: Very high Range: Extended melee range to several meters with blade, Dozens of meters with ranged attacks Standard Equipment: Giant Razor Blade, Scarf Intelligence: High (Yupia is highly skilled in combat, utilizing her greatly enhanced senses and analytical abilities to quickly and efficiently dispatch her opponents), Lower in Rage State Weaknesses: Overuse of plasma attacks will consume the alkaline chemicals that fuel her, and once the chemicals are close to drained dry, she will malfunction, sending her into a rage state that causes her vision to tunnel towards killing her opponent by any cost, regardless of whether she loses her own life doing so. |
Ultron |
Powers and Stats Tier: 7-A Name: Ultron Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe Gender: N/A Age: Four days Classification: Artificial Intelligence, Robot Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Energy Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Flight, Heat Manipulation (Can raise the temperature of his hands to cleanly slice off body parts [with Klaue] or disassemble armours/ robotic parts [as Vibranium Ultron destroyed its previous body]), Technological Manipulation (Can transfer his consciousness to the internet and his drones, can control his drones via hive mind and hack) Attack Potency: Mountain level+ (Made Thor bleed with his attacks) Speed: At least High Hypersonic (Should be faster than before) Lifting Strength: At least Class M, likely higher (Should be stronger than Thor) Striking Strength: Mountain Class+ Durability: Multi-City Block level (Survived hits from Iron Man, took no damage from the Quinjet's minigun) | At least Mountain level+ (Is made of vibranium. Survived a hit from Mjolnir and hits from Hulk, survived getting blasted by Thor's lightning, Vision's laser and Iron Man's repulsors for a few seconds) Stamina: Unlimited Range: Standard melee range to extended melee range with his long arms. Several dozens of meters with lasers. Intelligence: Genius Weaknesses: Extreme heat can damage Ultron's inner systems as only his outer case is protected with vibranium (As seen when the heat of the blasts combined from Thor's lightning, Vision's laser and Iron Man's repulsors melted his inner systems). If all of his drones are destroyed and his access to the Internet is blocked, Ultron dies if the last body containing his consciousness is destroyed (as seen when Vision finished him off) |
Yupia - 3 (Redic, Nico, Iapitus)
Ultron - 0
Inconclusive - 0