[Language and relationship with homo sapiens]
He would find that the official language of the pace is Atlentean, closely remebling Linear B in terms of writing, but sounding more like mix of Russian and Chinese than anything Greek, also English.
For their relationship with mankind, it is rather intriguing for they are actually humans. The retelling of Atlantis made by Plato is authentic in this universe, the stroy of their greed-based invasion of the mediterean sea and following collapse into the sea by the olimpian gods actuality, though there's one thing the philosopher got wrong, it wasn't destroyed. When Poisedon sunk the island Atlanteans, he turned them into acquatic creatures so they may never attempt to conqueer the Helleinic world, as they were then forcefully humbled by both their punishment and the now constant watch of the ocean god. This furthermore isolates their society from the rest of humanity for most of history, the next furthest contact being with the English Navy during WW1 after the latter's invention of the sonar. Contact was relatively peaceful though tense, and ended with the two nation forming a trade deal that would be to remain recret to the rest of the world, resources for English techonogy, s the Atlanteans had fallen much behind for lack of need to improve and overeliance on a still working magic system. Currently they still keep ties with Great Britain, but have decided to remaning concealed to the rest of the world.
"A'ight chap, much appriciated."
The druid says as he moves next to the Aero, giving him a hefty pat on the back.
"So you see, there is this one cave, it's nice place and all, quite spacy and well placed, though as of recent it has a
little spider infestation, you know the pests, just setting cobwebs wherever they please and acting like they own the place, causing problems to the critters, buuuuuut i'm too busy with other things to go myself, so-"
Castán boops the robot on his metallic chest.
"So how about you go take them out for me ?"
The slash strikes clearly into the skeleton, knocking him backwards !
The undead king isn't staggered, as he pulls his sword to the side as a floating circle of shadows appears at about his waist area. He seems to be changing something.
"You really think that would be enough ?"
The man's grip on your shoulder tightens, as you'd see the sorronding enviroment turns into shades of grey, all motion in the casion slowing to an halt.
"The cost for unnatural cheating in
my casino is much, much more steep than that."