[Hiatus over]
The skeletel king dashes, it's sword covered in dark flames as does a downward arc swing against Edward !
"A'ight chap, rain's gonna be lasting for a while now, so have anything to do in your mind yet ?"
He asks, seems like he's checking if the robot is busy for some reason.
You keep on winning and winning, and winning. Your luck carrying you on a seemingly endless streak, and you have suspected this is noticed ... but not in the way you thought.
"Nice run, girl."
Says a voice, coming a man in a white fedora with a red ribbon and a somewhat extravagant outfit., consisting of an embroidered black tuxedo and a white tie over a black dress shirt and white dress pants.
"Now, how about we raise the stakes ?"
He suggests with a tooty smile, staring at you with his crimson eyes.