My Little Pony
I will be using the "At Least 4-B" key for most of these characters, since unlike the statement-based High 3-A ratings, it is based off feats.
Full-Power Tirek
Most definitely the strongest member of the team, Tirek is also the biggest (Type 1), as well as one of the only characters to have functional hands, and as such would have the easiest time defending the goal. Able to make bubble-shields to enhance this size and coverage, as well as powerful telekinesis, it'll take someone very high in the Tier 4 bracket to break through his defenses.
Princess Celestia
A mild-tempered and focused ruler, boasting teleportation, telekinesis, portal creation, invisibility, flight, forcefields, energy projection, and a plethora of powerful abilities, she'll be a valuable asset to the team in preventing foes from making it too close to the goal.
Princess Luna
Mostly the same as her sister, Celestia.
Princess Cadence and
Shining Armor
While cadence is a lot like the other princesses, with the addition of empathic manipulation: Shining Armor's specialty has always been defense! He can make shields large enough to cover entire cities, and strong enough to withstand against other 4-B characters. The only reason I didn't put him as goalie, was because I think Tirek's a lot more powerful, and might be needed as a last resort, but Shining Armor is certainly a contender on defense! What's more, is that their loving bond is as unbreakable as their defense, and will surely carry them to victory!
Twilight Sparkle
Being the main protagonist of the show, it's no surprise that Twilight Sparkle would make an appearance. Even more stunning than her immense magical skill, including even more hax than Celestia, is her amazing intellect (extraordinary genius)! I put her in the middle because I feel like she has the most versatility out of anybody in this team, ranging from a master diplomat, to a very capable combatant, and an almost unparalleled scholar, she'll be able to react quickly and on-the-fly to just about anything.
Star Swirl The Bearded
Probably one of the only ponies boasting more magical skill than Twilight, is none other than the founder of most spells in Equestria: Star Swirl The Bearded. A legendary pony whose repertoire includes mastery over spells relating to Time Manipulation, which should surely allow him even more versatility, especially against a team lacking resistance! While not quite as intelligent as Twilight, his experience exceeds hers by a massive margin, and I'm counting on that experience to seal the victory.
By far the fan-favorite in the Vs Battles community, and for good reason: Discord! The spirit of chaos and disharmony, Discord holds the unique ability to wield Chaos Magic, which practically translates to a type of magic famous for its mastery in: Reality Warping! With a list of hax so long it doesn't fit on one page, Discord is devilishly creative and extremely versatile with his reality warping capabilities (albeit a bit literally insane). A real powerhouse of the team, and most definitely the most haxed, I'll be relying on Discord to clutch the victory in match-ups where the others are simply overpowered.
King Sombra
When MLP fans think of dark, twisted, and probably a bit too much for a Y-7 show, they think of King Sombra! The master of Dark Magic, which includes Fear, Mind, Memory, and Empathic manipulation, King Sombra definitely doesn't play fair. From enslaving and corrupting entire cities, to transforming into smoke to avoid harm, King Sombra is both versatile and dastardly, and it's my hope he'll be able to sneak in some cheeky goals.
Queen Chrysalis
As well as having magic comparable to the rest of the Alicorns, Chrysalis is also a changeling, with the unique ability to shapeshift into her opponents, as well as animals and creatures she's seen in the past. Usually indirect until you get her angry, she's just the cunning (and confusing) type we might need to
sneak some goals past the opponents.
Tempest Shadow
A hardened warrior, and specializing in offensive magic and explosions, I'm relying on her to be the aggressive forefront of the entire team, launching balls at high speeds using her explosions to score goals. Her magic is regarded as extremely powerful in-verse, and can physically kick objects so hard that they break through at least 4-B forcefields, it's this raw power that I'll be relying on as our lead forward.
This is a team that I think compliments eachother. In the back are noble and defensive rulers who are able to put up a strong defense, with a goalie whose sheer power and size should stop stray balls with ease. In the middle, are all the most versatile characters who will be able to react to changing stimuli on the field as fast as the game requires, and in the front, some of the most aggressive, yet cunning characters who can push forward without remorse, and get that bread. Let me know what you think of my team!
Also, I've cheated the system by using mostly characters with four feet, mwahahaha!