The dog would lead a fair bit, going an area definitelly out of the way, before then arriving at a door. That is, what one woul assume it is, as moss overgrows the entirity of it, covering it in a green blanket. A way to keep people out, perhaps.
But no matter, the plant dog, walks right up to it, bumping it with a paw as the organic matter recedes, and the way opens up.
There, Alfonso would be able to see a rather... gruesome scene. Yorsha, stading in a meditating position, his chest torn open into a massive cavity, his nighmerishly complex inner workings are in plain sight to behold as the floor is tainted crimson red.
There, right in front of the warlord's body, stands a humanoid being, a bit taller than Alfonso himself. They are wearing simple, white tunic, with the only colour of note being their long, green hair, and the redness of blood of their gloves. Talking of the latter, they are odd, more resembling swiss knives for how variagated the tip of each finger is, with these tools being used to operate on the body of the Elden King.
"Mh... no this won't do, this won't do at all..."
They thinking to themselves, before then being interrupted to the floralcanine gently rubbing its head on their leg. The person would divert their attention away from whatever they were doing, and right unto the warlord.
"Ah, there you are, was waiting for your return. Wherever did you went?"
The figure speaks, their voice neither male or female, emerald eyes focused on Alfonso.
The paladin would be hit square on, though as the warlord impact he would feel an intense pain travel back to himself in retaliation, furthermore an explosion of flames busting from the point of impact to throw him away.
The warrior himself, quite very damaged, falls down, though weirdly not from the force of the impact, as then... another person teleporst in, a woman dressed in hyper advanced armor. The two warriors light slap each other's hand, the solar switching out as he vanishes away.
Though, the warlord wouldn't be able to see this soldier for long, as she would activate something and turn invisible. At the same time, many bursts of solar energy come from the leftover solarwarriors, while some others madly dash at him, spindashing at him with their blades. Furthemore, the explosion cleared all corites around him, but the centipedes seem particularly resiliant if entirely stunned for now.