[Here goes the moment you've all been waiting for!]
As the saiyan enters the room, traps activate. Needles, are shot towards him dozens at a time, skewers rise from the ground to his feet, scalpels and other blades with varying purposes like skinning an opponent alive or cutting off fingers slice towards him, and several Iron Maiden's filled with heavy iron weights swing towards him like wrecking balls.
The saiyan swings wildly breaking many of the tools, but some light scrapes, and some slight cuts begin appearing on its body. Berserker. With a light headache, the voice in my head points out the totally obvious fact that I really wouldn't have missed alone.
But I thought the damage would be higher, if it's this low do we need to be a bit worried? Well, still, this means it will be even easier to avoid killing during my fun time!
The servant approaches Lancer and throws a punch, but it's dodged and Lancer strikes at him twice to no avail. A flurry of blows come forth from Berserker, but they never land, and it's only made more pitiful when red orbs appear, and Berserker tries to flail around to get rid of them, at noticeably slower speeds. As planned, I let Lancer talk before I start my performance. He tries to convince the master to give up, but is refused. Then it's my turn.
I begin singing, redirecting the flow of the music to Berserker's ears. An excruciating headache occurs. Function in the brain decreases, reducing focus, retention time, reactions, and concentration. The vestibular system has fallen into disarray, and with every powerful punch, Berserker looks like it's on the verge of toppling itself to the floor. And between the dizziness, the loss of focus, and the natural idiocy of a Berserker, most of the blows aren't even properly targeted. Lastly the magic circuits are disrupted: spells can't be properly activated, mana won't flow and be produced at proper speeds, and an attempt to force a spell through could easily end in death.
The combination of Ichor of Reverie and Migraine fruit is quite brutal, all these symptoms affect anyone who hears my song, and right now that's both Berserker and the master borrowing its ears. Of course the chance of the master still being able to use sense sharing through all that is low, but the effects will keep going for a bit.
I control the flow of sound in its ears to create a phonic resonance, such that the ears can naturally produce those sounds without my help! Hear my songs of pain for all eternity!.
Next I use my power to stop the flow of communication of his allies. The servant can no longer speak and the telepathic link it shared with its master will break down. The master can no longer give Berserker orders, and with my song the master won't be able to freely sense share, and with that and its inability to speak, Berserker will just be a mindless beast with no orders, control, or name invoked noble phantasms.
I continue watching the fight once this happens, and once Lancer drags the Berserker to the right spot, I activate several of the traps I had set up. These traps use a torture expert's most important tools, bindings. Chains and ropes begin tightening all around the Berserker. From the ground around it, the ceiling above, the walls, everywhere. They're not enough to hold it back for more than a split second, but I use that to strike. Wielding two hand crushers, I move to destroy both of the Berserker's hands beyond repair.
[B+ strength, plus the aptitude of slaughter boost, I figure this attack should work out alright for me.]