Better think carefully before it goes down. It's not okay to get rid of the tier High 3-A
I agree that limited 4D needs to go. That literally makes absolutely no sense. Normal 4D belongs in Low 2-C. Any space time feats less than a timeline in scale is literally just hax people. High 3-A should just be infinite 3D.
Unless you rename Low 2-C to High Universe level+, you shouldn't merged Infinite 3D High 3-A with 3-A.
There's a reason High 3-A stops at an undefined transfinite high-end. It's for the same reason 2-B is separate from 2-A and 1-B is separate from High 1-B. Transfinite feats shouldn't be categorized in the same bracket as infinite feats. VSBW differentiates between the two already. Only if Low 2-C is renamed and transfinite 3-A is separated from infinite 3-A as Universe level and Universe level+ respectively should infinite 3D be merged to 3-A.
You have to consider why Sera said the observable universe should only be low universe level, especially since it's also an ambiguous term. Depending on your sources, it can be anywhere from 100 billion to two trillion galaxies, or anywhere from 46.1 billion to 93 billion light years. Not to mention it's literally defined as
the part of the universe we can see from our location in space.
Part of the
universe that
we can see. It isn't like the Earth where we pretty much know all there is to know about the blue marble. It's kinda strange to assume, for example, the One Piece universe would be the same size as our observable universe when it's planets isn't even the same as our Earth. The observable universe is not even defined as the same thing as the universe.
Look up Universe and this is what comes up:
"All of matter and space; the cosmos"
Look up Observable Universe and this is what comes up:
"the part of the universe we can see from our location in space."
So basically, what Kaltias said works for and against him at the same time.
Is universe an ambiguous term?
Yes. Is the observable universe defined the same as the universe?
No. The contents of intergalactic space goes far beyond the observable universe. To what degree? We don't know but lowballing all universal feats less than infinite in scale to observable universe scale is wrong.
We shouldn't merge a High 3-A with any tier in that way. Instead:
- Perhaps 3-A should be Low 3-A (Observable Universe = Low Universe level)
- High 3-A becomes 3-A (Baseline Universe up to an infinite universe = Universe level)
- Low 2-C becomes High 3-A (4D space time continuum = High Universe level) because Tier 2 should just be Multiversal.
But, if you prefer Low 2-C over High 3-A, that's fine.
That's my take on this whole scenario. Two perspectives, one supporting the Wok/Matt/Azzy suggestion (with some adjustments) and one supporting Sera's Low Universe level suggestion (with some adjustments).