Titan Magazines feats, anti feats and statements. For some reason, they have more anti feats than IDW. I wanted to make a blog post but got lazy. I won't put scans for every one of these. Maybe will later.
Anti feats include:
ROTF Soundwave is damaged by WW2 battleship machine gun and flight 19.
In a DOTM era issue, Ironhide gets knocked out by a gas truck explosion.
In another DOTM issue, Optimus says a fall from a cliff would rip him to pieces.
Starscream brought down some of an ancient cathedral on top of Ootimus and Bumblebee. Before the rubble hit them, Optimus said that it was going to hurt.
Feats include:
In a DOTM comic, Starscream lifts and throws this oil truck. It was loaded as when Ironhide tackled the truck, it exploded.
That same DOTM comic had Ironhide say to anti-Autobot protesters that the Autobots were not there to hurt them, despite the fact that they were carrying enough weaponry to level a city.
Ratchet and Jazz survives being caught in this explosion. Jazz disappeared (he went evil in this story, so he ran away from Ratchet), and Ratchet doesn't seem to have received much damage.
Dreadwing destroys a government building:
Thundercracker drones firepower can rip a submarine in half.
Ironhide destroys a portion of a bridge:
Unicron exists in the parallel universe storyline (Unicron's essence takes over Cybertron). Can teleport over vast distances (to sol system for example). When some Decepticons were trying to rip a hole in space to get Unicron to their dimension, Unicron helped them widen the hole so he could get in. Hd was going to ear Earth:
In one DOTM comix, this explosion pushes Optimus and Soundwave out of Lake Guatavita (which is max. 125 feet deep) and to the surface. Soundwave weighs around 1 ton, Optimus 6-8 tons or so (according to Titan official numbers). They appewred to be pretty deep, but not sure if they were in the deepest part.
It also destroys El Dorado, lost city of gold. El Dorado is called a city in this comic but IDK if it is literally city-sized. Going by the art, it looks more like a temple. I know gold is soft metal but there seems to be a lot of gold here (enough to crash the market according to Soundwave).
Also, the feats I've posted before had Brawl (Devastator) destroy alien skyscrapers, and streets, Ironhise be sabot proof and be able to ragdoll small tanks.
According to TFWiki summary, Bludgeon survived Las Vegas power output surging theough him. This caused a blackout on the city, but was knocked out.
"Jolt admits this is pretty insightful, but Bludgeon missed out one thing about him: his whole body is one big power cell, and he was holding back before. Now, he grabs Bludgeon's sword, eats up Vegas's electricity, and then sends it surging back into Bludgeon! The Decepticon is defeated... and the city suffers a blackout."
All the movies are canon to Titan. At least up to TLK.