Glaistig Uaine should be able to defeat
Charles Xavier, by offloading his mind control onto one of her ghosts then just killing him with her other 3. She was able to do that to the mind control of
Khepri, and well...
I'd heard once there were ten quintillion bugs in my world. Eighteen zeroes. I couldn't control that many. Or, to be precise, I couldn't afford the time to collect that many.
Fourteen zeroes? If I had a dozen worlds, each with really good swamps and rainforests to tap into, my relay bugs to help extend my pitiful, three-hundred foot range? That was doable.
**** it all. There was a time for strategy, and there was a time for the brute force approach. Hell, the brute force approach could be called a strategy unto itself.
I'd find out about Shén Y├╣'s power the hard way. He could see attacks coming. Did it work when the attack came from every direction?
I divided the bugs into tenths. Then I opened nine portals into the Y├ángbÃÄn's world.
The tenth I opened into Earth Bet, above the portal I'd reopened.
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| ~ Khepri | |
Her power used to be bug control, but it was altered and she can now control people with it too. The issue with getting to 15 quintillion isn't that actually controlling that many is hard so much as it just takes too long to do so. So yeah I guess you just aren't mindhaxing Glaistig Uaine, Scion, or Endbringers without smurf mindhax now