But yall are changing the definitions to revolve more around hierarchies. I'm saying that if they are changing then the new definitions should still highlight that this is primarily based on qualitative differences
Not necessarily hierarchies or planes of existence, no. This is just based around qualitatively greater sizes on an 1-A scale, which is usually demonstrated in fiction by higher levels, but
doesn't have to
Antvasima said:
Okay. Sorry about the misunderstanding.
I am concerned about this point. As I think that Sera roughly said, we should try to complement and strengthen our system, not completely break and rebuild it.
Why do you keep ignoring what I say and worrying over what is effectively pure semantics? For ****'s sake just read what I posted above: The new
primary definition of 1-A naturally includes current shit like "transcending all forms of space and time", it just makes the rating more straightforward to understand and less filled with needlessly convoluted, esoteric blah blah like "lul beyond dimenshunz!1!1111!".
Iamunanimousinthat said:
Which is why I ask, why do we have such a thing as baseline outerversal, since all outerverses have indefinite size. In fact, the concept of size is meaningless, since the outerverse is dimensionless. We could never say, this character wins because their outverse is bigger than there's, since there is no such thing as bigger. Size is defined by dimensions, without dimension you have no size.
So how can there be a baseline. It's either you are or you aren't.
That is incorrect and seems to mostly be based on massively overthinking what 1-A is supposed to be. Being "beyond dimeshuns" doesn't, in any way, shape or form, equates to you existing beyond the concept of size altogether: Sure, you can exist "beyond size" from the perspective of lesser beings, but from a greater perspective you could still be smaller or bigger than another entity just fine. This sort of thing heavily depends on how the author chooses to portray a character of this level anyways, so I have no idea why try to apply this vague, mythical standard to literally all of fiction.
Then there is the fact that we literal─║y can assign a size to "muh outerverses" anyways. It's literally in the OP and in
this post.
Not to mention that, the mere idea we cannot measure or quantify
any tier is already absurd in-of-itself. Those things are literally made up by ourselves and exist within a defined formal background, of course they can always be quantified. This is exactly the kind of shit that these revisions are trying to fix: Make 1-A more uniform and straightforward, and get rid of all this mythic, wanked misconceptions regarding it.
Now, since I've seen a few people then and there complaining about the fact that the New System uses some slightly odder Mathematics to justify its higher-end stuff, I'd like to point them all to something Aeyu has stated off-site:
Okay, all these misconceptions about the system have to stop. The system is -not- going to be defined by overly verbose mathematical terms; this revision is only to give a concrete basis to what we already do. Someone mentioned "qualitative" superiority - that is what Low 1-A and 1-A both have. By saying Low 1-A is "weakly inaccessible" we are saying that it is outside all arrangements and extensions to even an uncountably infinite number of dimensions. Therefore you cannot reach it by "stacking infinities" - the difference is simply larger than infinity, period; doesn't matter if that's infinity ^ infinity ^ infinity ^ infinity...etc it will never reach uncountability. An uncountable number of universes is qualitatively larger than a 4-D size and on par with a 5-D space. That's the real point of the math, to give the system uniformity. We're not relaxing the standards on anything, nor are we requiring them to use verbose mathematical definitions. I thought it was already well understood that we're only throwing out insignificant or vague dimensional statements like "lol i'm (x)-d" or using string theory/compactified dimension concepts in tiering since they contradict the higher dimensions ALWAYS = higher tier fallacy. And as for Low 1-A and 1-A/High 1-A, the lower one represents the weakly inaccessible (uncountable level beyond uncountable/infinite dimensional hierarchies or similar). 1-A/High 1-A represents true inaccessibility, or strong inaccessibility. This is to represent states beyond hierarchy and higher infinities completely, even uncountable ones conceptually.
Please, keep that in mind. The Tiering System page, for example, isn't going to be filled with verbose mathematical terms and obtuse concepts that are alien to most visitors, those are effectively the schematics and clockwork which will stay under the hood, and be explained in entirely separate pages, which even then will be simplified down to the maximum. What all of this math is trying to do is give some basic meaning to what is present in the system itself: You don't really need to see the gears moving to understand that a clock tells time, but they are still necessary for the clock to
work in the first place.