NO, many forget several factors that prevent proving the destruction of galaxies in the fact. The first reason: James Webb can only photograph galaxies because he has a camera of millions and millions of pixels, which allows him, through a zoom, to capture quality images of galaxies thousands of light years away. The image that presents the feat, however, is on a macro scale, without zoom, it is totally possible that there are points in this region that present thousands and even millions of galaxies, but it is impossible to see them because we don't have James Webb's Zoom to verify their presence. The second point, this one more conclusive: From here, from the region of Space we are in, we can only see 1% of the Stars in our Galaxy with the naked eye, the reason? Much of the starlight ends up losing energy along the way, becoming practically invisible to the naked eye, the only way we can see beyond this "Horizon" is through Infrared, which by the way is the way James Webb takes pictures, the images that we see, not only of James Webb, but also of other space photos are digitally colored precisely because of the fact that only the Infrared of the photos reaches us. Due to these factors, due to the impossibility of proving the destruction of Galaxies in the deed, I do not agree to use this