Reorganization of the Tiers
Option 1
This is the option that has been provisionally referred to throughout the revisions. That is:
Low 1-C to High 1-B = Remains the same.
High 1-B+ = Spaces with uncountably infinite dimensions. All higher cardinal numbers land here.
Low 1-A = Sum total of all ordinary quantitative structures in mathematics. The Universe of Sets.
Option 2
Low 1-C = 5-D (Most abundant category. Merits its own specific tier)
1-C = 6-D to 9-D (Rare. Can all be shoved down into levels of a single tier)
High 1-C = 10-D to 11-D
1-B = 12-D to Infinite-D
High 1-B = Spaces with uncountably infinite dimensions.
High 1-B+ = Spaces corresponding to inaccessible cardinals and up.
The latter options, by and large, aim to preserve the old Tiering System's broader inclusion of mathematical categories among the ratings. While I am of the mind that this is a good idea, I am honestly not sure of the best way to practically do so, seeing as we only ever had so many characters corresponding to these specific mathematical concepts, power-wise, because we equated them to metaphysical layers. Now that we separated metaphysics from mathematics, representation of the latter seems quite sparse indeed. I very much request more suggestions on this front.