Paulo.junior.969 said:
Bobsican said:
...Unless you spawn in Site 19, 50/50% chance.
Just for fun...
Object Class: Euclid Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-021-j is to be searched with an special algorithm maked by Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê; this algorithm is to be used at least once in a week in the entire WWW (World Wide Web) database, by a
D-Class Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê exclusively in a room located at Site 19, with at least 2 trustworthy subjects with at least level 4 clearance that can`t read. In case the D-Class subject dissapears, a space of at least 1.5 meters free of any solid matter around where it dissapeared and to call Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê to delete the anomalous code with a safe script from his computer. As of ÔûêÔûê/ÔûêÔûê/ÔûêÔûê, at least one O5 member shall take care of making sure everything goes right.
Any Absolutely
no researcher is allowed to research SCP-021-j without approval of Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê and at least 1 O5 member. If any Foundation-related subject suspects or discovers an instance of SCP-021-j, it shall be notified to Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê, even if it`s after they manage to come back alive.
However, as his PC has at least 1 TeraHZ of CPU and 1 Petabyte of hard-disk memory thanks to SCP-ÔûêÔûêÔûê (retrieved from a deceased D-Class after autopsy, then adapted for his CPU, how it was done can only be known by Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê and any O5, see the note below for details if you`re allowed to do so, it involves SCP-001, no more can be said about this without approval, otherwise, an A-class amnesiac shall be used on the affected subject, and some disciplinary measures shall be taken), it can only be used by Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê, any O5 member or someone invited by the before mentioned to play stuff like Minecraft in 4K at 120 FPS (an app has been made so the FPS have a limit, so it doesn`t take an unstable amount of energy to do so) in their free time (as long they are also approved by at least 2 Level 4 clearance level members), or to make other useful stuff for the Foundation at any time (the device itself looks normal to the normal person, althrought clearly last generation respectively
Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê`s PC has these "specs" so high, so that he can use the algorithm in the entire WWW in less than an hour with no problem. As SCP-021-j is rarely truly seen, along with the efficiency of Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê`s algorithm, it can be tolerated a delay of use up to a week at the moment, except when taking measures to wait for the affected subject(s) to come back, which is of 6 days after the starting event.
Affected subjects` "start" location can be easily found by Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê`s algorithm, as it sends him the IPs of the devices that are "likely" with SCP-021-j, along with their location in our multiverse (please use non-Foundation sites to know what stuff like a multiverse is if you don`t know what it is).
As of ÔûêÔûê/ÔûêÔûê/ÔûêÔûê, Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê`s PC`s energy source is a battery made in SCP-914 from
that one experiment (an adapter has been made so it can be plugged onto his PC, along with some software to can use it as the main power source with no problems, which also allows him to make sure it doesn`t overheat or explodes for our sake).
Description: SCP-021-j is an algorithm used in certain links in the internet. This algorithm forces the user that`s reading in the page of it for longer than 5 minutes aproximately to trigger an anomalus effect that forces the before-mentioned user to suddendly disappear, along with everything in a meter of distance, except other living beings or objects that would be rendered not operational anymore, as they would otherwise be simply "chopped" respectively.
All subjects seem to return exactly one week after the incident where they exactly were before it happened. When asked about of the whereabouts of the subjects that were still alive (the ones that didn`t so far, include carbonized organic matter and a fragment of [DATA EXPUNGED]), mention that they went to another multiverse entirely appart from ours to places that are fictional for us normally. These places seem to have one thing in common, however, that these places belong to popular multimedia franchises. When interrogatting some of the likely involved emprises, all of them didn`t had idea of what we were talking about.
O5-Ôûê: As the irresponsability by Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê caused the room to be filled with the living remains of a recently deceased D-Class subject
specifically by this, some disciplinary measures will be taken.
O5-Ôûê: To make everyone aware of how dangerous this SCP can be if left unchecked, it has been now reclassified to Keter, especially considering it can bring from an XK-end-of-the-world-scenario to revealing about the truth about SCP-001.
Note to other O5s and Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê
Insert credentials
Credentials approved, welcome O5 user/Dr. Mario
It`s worth remember that
Andrew Swann`s proposal is proved to be real by this SCP, as our main researcher, Dr. Mario (Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê) accidentally triggered SCP-021-j`s anomalous effects, but it seems that he went dimensionally above to us by a ridiculously high amount of
humes (couldn`t been measured exactly, as when he got back to where he was before, his hume level went exactly back to our standart suddendly without any other incident), he discovered that our multiverse is nothing but a layer of virtual papers in a website in the internet. Dr. Mario tried to delete it at fist, but shorly after realized that doing so would trigger an ZK-reality-failure-scenario, which would basically just delete literally everyone from existance.
As Dr. Mario also edited himself to be like
the one he always loved (realistically different to our multiverse`s standarts, so no measures should be taken about this), along with making himself unable to die unless something in the lines of a ZK-reality-failure-scenario or worse happens (including also inmunity to SCP-012-j`s effects, and making himself
far more handsome), as even in that dimensionally high level, he couldn`t truly preserve our multiverse for all eternity without losing the support from Andrew Swann`s proposal`s support that allows time to flow in our multiverse indefinitely at least.
Special Containment Procedures (Part Two);
Any subject that`s found to be a victim of SCP-021-j should be captured and dosed with an A-class amnesiac(unless they are authorized Foundation personnel), along with everyone from our multiverse involved that`s still alive. Beings carried by them that come from the other involved multiverses should be reinserted back into them by simply making them read the same anomaluos link that triggered the effect. This has been proven to work by some characters that are capable to travel between them (for example,
Mickey Mouse), and have thankfully decided to leave us in peace, so long we don`t try to purposelly get involved with them, especially violently, however, if the object or subject is not sapient enought to read (or at all), it should be kept in a safe room or destroyed if needed for our sake.
Yeah man! I`ve got an autograph from MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê! Too bad it will be confiscated soon to be evidence, at least I can see it in my free time in
that room -
Dr. Bright, under no circumstances you`ll be allowed to interact with SCP-021-j, we would add this to your list of things you`re not allowed to do, but it`s already unstable for the amount of text, it`s already making our servers lag sometimes, however, if you don`t bring up any problems for a while, we may allow you to play your "so-desired" videogames on it in your free time, with an O5 member and/or Dr. MÔûêÔûêÔûêÔûê to make sure you don`t make something that you shouldn`t do. -
(I inserted a lot of effort into this, I even feel like this can easily be an actual SCP page)