"The difference is that IZ is baseline, Dialga isn't."
Any evidence Smash Dialga isn't baseline? I keep seeing people saying Smash Dialga is above baseline when the reasoning states otherwise.
"Literally the only thing than Jiren did to the first UIO Goku was block his punch. That's not treating him as a joke."
Did you completely ignore the fact that Jiren's way of fighting is to let their opponent have their little fun then completely crush them? UIO Goku's last Hurrah was literally no-sold by Jiren who was NEVER TAKING HIM SERIOUSLY EVER. UIO Goku was a complete and utter JOKE to him at that point.
"SSBKKx20 Goku got several good blows in that did notable damage. "
He got thrown off by the ****** up teamwork of Goku and Vegeta, like "what in the hell are you two doing", and then proceeded to kick Goku's ass once they got separated. Notable damage where? he showed a glimpse of his true power and Goku shat his pants.
"Limit Breaker Jiren was not surperior to MUI Goku. MUI Goku literally had him buried in a crater, and Jiren literally resorted to attacking the audience. Enraged MUI Goku did not fodderize LB Jiren. Like at all. "
This is so SO wrong. Jesus christ man, did you not see ANY episodes?
Episode 130. Jiren at 100% is getting his ass kicked hard, like roflstomped by MUI Goku. At time stamp 2:40, Jiren surpasses his limits and goes Limit Breaker.
Here, this fight illustrates that Limit Breaker jiren is superior to MUI Goku. Straight up overpowered.
Goku launched Jiren into an asteroid. Up to this point, Jiren has been getting in all the good hits and this is the first time Goku actually got the upper hand. Goku says this is his power, which triggers Jiren which is what caused him to attack the audience. Can you like, not ignore context? Oh and timestamp 2:04, rewatch that bit. Because Jiren got his ass STOMPED. Name me one time where Jiren actually caused Goku any actual pain.
"None of those "stomps" are anywhere close to the difference between a person and a literal toy."
"How the hell can an Arceus Amiibo be dangerous?"
Are you actually doing this right now? Barring speed, I'd like to see you try to fight your Action Figures if they were sentient and had relatively the same speed as you. And I mean, have you ever stepped on a Lego? That crap hurts. Living, Sentient Legos? I already cut myself sometimes playing with my lego sets for a day. Now, I don't actually have Amiibos so I can't judge the level of dangerous-ness in comparison to Legos, but Toys and Action Figures aren't utterly weak like you guys are implying. At all.
Oh and I have this philosophy of anything is a weapon if you use it right, and Toys are no exception. Those things HURT and I, I'm using this word a lot, Guarantee that I can find ways to kill someone with it
Oh and Noah, try not to triple post. People get mildly infuriated enough at Double Posts. Just use the edit button like I do when you have to add-on to something.