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In the mythos chaos or primordial chaos is wuji for the most part throughout the mythos back in the days
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一日,在本洞吩咐四健將安排筵宴,請六王赴飲,殺牛宰馬,祭天享地,著眾怪 跳舞歡歌,俱吃得酩酊大醉。送六王出去,卻又賞大小頭目。攲在鐵板橋邊松陰 之下,霎時間睡著。四健將領眾圍護,不敢高聲。只見那美猴王睡裏,見兩人拿 一張批文,上有「孫悟空」三字,走近身,不容分說,套上繩,就把美猴王的魂 靈兒索了去,踉踉蹌蹌,直帶到一座城邊。猴王漸覺酒醒,忽抬頭觀看,那城上 有一鐵牌,牌上有三個大字,乃「幽冥界」。美猴王頓然醒悟道:「幽冥界乃閻 王所居,何為到此?」那兩人道:「你今陽壽該終,我兩人領批,勾你來也。」 猴王聽說,道:「我老孫超出三界之外,不在五行之中,已不伏他管轄,怎麼朦 朧,又敢來勾我?」那兩個勾死人,只管扯扯拉拉,定要拖他進去。這猴王惱起 性來,耳朵中掣出寶貝,幌一幌,碗來粗細。略舉手,把兩個勾死人打為肉醬。 自解其索,丟開手,掄著棒,打入城中。諕得那牛頭鬼東躲西藏,馬面鬼南奔北 跑。眾鬼卒奔上森羅殿,報著:「大王,禍事!禍事!外面有一個毛臉雷公打將 來了。」
慌得那十代冥王急整衣來看,見他相貌兇惡,即排下班次,應聲高叫道:「上仙 留名!上仙留名!」猴王道:「你既認不得我,怎麼差人來勾我?」十王道: 「不敢,不敢。想是差人差了。」猴王道:「我本是花果山水簾洞天生聖人孫悟 空。你等是甚麼官位?」十王躬身道:「我等是陰間天子十代冥王。」悟空道: 「快報名來,免打。」十王道:「我等是秦廣王、初江王、宋帝王、忤官王、閻 羅王、平等王、泰山王、都市王、卞城王、轉輪王。」悟空道:「汝等既登王位 ,乃靈顯感應之類,為何不知好歹?我老孫修了仙道,與天齊壽,超昇三界之外 ,跳出五行之中,為何著人拘我?」十王道:「上仙息怒。普天下同名同姓者多 ,敢是那勾死人錯走了也?」悟空道:「胡說!胡說!常言道:『官差吏差,來 人不差。』你快取生死簿子來我看!」十王聞言,即請上殿查看。
悟空執著如意棒,徑登森羅殿上,正中間南面坐下。十王即命掌案的判官取出文 簿來查。那判官不敢怠慢,便到司房裏捧出五六簿文書並十類簿子。逐一查看: 臝蟲、毛蟲、羽蟲、昆蟲、鱗介之屬,俱無他名。又看到猴屬之類,原來這猴似 人相,不入人名﹔似臝蟲,不居國界﹔似走獸,不伏麒麟管﹔似飛禽,不受鳳凰 轄。另有個簿子,悟空親自檢閱,直到那「魂」字一千三百五十號上,方注著孫 悟空名字,乃「天產石猴,該壽三百四十二歲,善終」。悟空道:「我也不記壽 數幾何,且只消了名字便罷。取筆過來。」那判官慌忙捧筆,飽掭濃墨。悟空拿 過簿子,把猴屬之類,但有名者,一概勾之。捽下簿子道:「了帳,了帳,今番 不伏你管了。」一路棒,打出幽冥界。那十王不敢相近,都去翠雲宮,同拜地藏 王菩薩,商量啟表,奏聞上天,不在話下。
這猴王打出城中,忽然絆著一個草紇繨,跌了個躘踵,猛的醒來,乃是南柯一夢 。才覺伸腰,只聞得四健將與眾猴高叫道:「大王,吃了多少酒,睡這一夜,還 不醒來?」悟空道:「睡還小可,我夢見兩個人來此勾我,把我帶到幽冥界城門 之外,卻才醒悟。是我顯神通,直嚷到森羅殿,與那十王爭吵,將我們的生死簿 子看了,但有我等名號,俱是我勾了,都不伏那廝所轄也。」眾猴磕頭禮謝。自 此,山猴多有不老者,以陰司無名故也。
One day he instructed his four Stalwart Generals to arrange a feast for the six other kings. Oxen and horses
were slaughtered, sacrifices were made to Heaven and Earth, and the assembled monsters danced, sang, and
drank themselves blotto. When he had seen the six kings out and tipped his senior and junior officials Sun
Wukong lay himself down under the shade of the pines beside the bridge and was asleep in an instant. The
four Stalwart Generals made the others stand round and guard him, and they all kept their voices down.
In his sleep the Handsome Monkey King saw two men approach him with a piece of paper in their hands on
which was written "Sun Wukong." Without allowing any explanations they tied up his soul and dragged it
staggering along till they reached a city wall. The Monkey King, who was gradually recovering from his
drunken stupor, looked up and saw an iron plate on the wall on which was inscribed WORLD OF
DARKNESS in large letters.
In a flash of realization he said, "The World of Darkness is where King Yama lives. Why have I come here?"
"Your life in the world above is due to end now," his escorts said, "and we were ordered to fetch you."
To this the Monkey King replied, "I have gone beyond the Three Worlds, and I am no longer subject to the
Five Elements. I don't come under King Yama's jurisdiction. How dare you grab me, you idiots?" But the
fetchers of the dead just went on tugging at him, determined to drag him inside.
The Monkey King lost his temper, pulled his treasure out of his ear, and gave it a shake. It became as thick as
a rice bowl. It only took a slight movement of his arm to smash the two fetchers of the dead to pulp. He untied
his bonds, loosed his hands, and charged into the city whirling his cudgel, so terrifying the ox−headed and
horse−faced devils that they fled in all directions for cover.
All the devil soldiers rushed to the Senluo Palace and reported, "Your Majesty, disaster, disaster! A
hairy−faced thunder−god is attacking us out there."
Stricken by panic, the Ten Kings who sit in the ten palaces, judging the criminal cases of the dead, hurriedly
straightened their clothing and went out to look. When they saw his ferocious expression they lined up in
order and shouted at the tops of their voices, "Please tell us your name, exalted Immortal."
"If you don't know who I am," replied the Monkey King, "then why did you send men to bring me here?"
"We wouldn't dare do such a thing. The messengers must have made a mistake."
"I am Sun Wukong, the Heaven−born sage of the Water Curtain Cave on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit.
What are your posts?"
"We are the ten kings."
"Tell me your names at once if you don't want a bashing."
To this the ten kings replied, "We are the King of Qinguang, the King of Chujiang, King Songdi, King
Wuguan, King Yama, King Impartial, the King of Mount Tai, the Metropolitan King, the King of Biancheng,
and the King of the Ever−turning Wheel."
To this Sun Wukong replied, "You are all kings, and have esoteric understanding, so why don't you know any
better? I, Sun Wukong, have cultivated the Way of Immortality and will live as long as Heaven. I've soared
beyond the Three Worlds and leapt outside the Five Elements, so why did you send your men to get me?"
"Please don't be angry, lofty Immortal," the ten kings said. "Many people in the world share the same name,
so perhaps the fetchers of the dead went to the wrong place."
"Nonsense, nonsense. As the saying goes, 'The magistrate may be wrong and the sergeant may be wrong, but
the man who comes to get you is never wrong.' Go and get the Register of Life and Death for me to see." The
Ten Kings invited him to come into the palace and look through it.
Sun Wukong went into the Senluo Palace with his club in his hand, and sat down in the middle of the hall
facing South. The Ten Kings then ordered the presiding judge to fetch the register, and the judge hastened to
his office and brought out five or six documents and ten registers. He looked through them all one by one, but
could not find Sun Wukong's name in the sections devoted to hairless creatures, hairy creatures, feathered
creatures, insects, or scaly creatures. Then he looked through the monkey section. Now although monkeys
looked like men, they were not entered under the humans; although they were like the hairless creatures, they
did not live within their boundaries; although they were like running animals, they were not under the
jurisdiction of the unicorn; and although they were like birds, they were not ruled by the phoenix. There was
another register, and Sun Wukong looked through this one himself. Under "Soul No. 1350" was the name of
Sun Wukong, the Heaven−born stone monkey, who was destined to live to the age of 342 and die a good
"I won't write down any number of years," said Sun Wukong. "I'll just erase my name and be done with it.
Bring me a brush." The judge hastily handed him a brush and thick, black ink.
Sun Wukong took the register, crossed out all the names in the monkey section, and threw it on the floor with
the words, "The account's closed. That's an end of it. We won't come under your control any longer." Then he
cudgeled his way out of the World of Darkness. The Ten Kings dared not go near him, and they all went to the
Azure Cloud Palace to bow in homage to the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha and discuss the report they would send
up to Heaven. But we will not go into this.
After charging out through the city wall the Monkey King tripped over a clump of grass, tried to regain his
balance, and woke up with a start. It had all been a dream. As he stretched himself he heard his four Stalwart
Generals and the other monkeys saying, "Your Majesty, time to wake up. You drank too much and slept all
"Never mind about my sleeping. I dreamt that two men came for me. They dragged me to the city−wall of the
World of Darkness, where I came round. I showed them my magic powers and went yelling all the way to the
Senluo Palace, where I had an argument with those Ten Kings and looked through the Register of Life and
Death of us. Wherever there was mention of your names in the register, I crossed them out. We won't come
under the jurisdiction of those idiots any more."
All the monkeys kowtowed to him in gratitude. The reason why from that time on so many mountain
monkeys have never grown old is that their names are not on the books of the officials of the Underworld.
1-A key is currently a presumption and it is too bold. 2-A seems reasonable since "he shook the heavens that have a separate space time and much larger geometry than the mortal realm" can be mostly confirmed. (But I don't know how fast the gods are since cross the separate space time has become the common feat nearly most of JttW characters must perform. Still, Sun Wukong is shown to be faster and flexible than them.)High 3A(infinite powers and infinite dragon palace) , 2A(since he shook the heavens that have a separate space time and much larger geometry than the mortal realm) , low 1C(scales to the buddha who viewed all of creation as fiction) and 1A(if wuji is the chaos)
他等不得窮忙,即入蟠桃園內查勘。本園中有個土地攔住問道:「大聖何往?」 大聖道:「吾奉玉帝點差,代管蟠桃園,今來查勘也。」那土地連忙施禮,即 呼那一班鋤樹力士、運水力士、修桃力士、打掃力士都來見大聖磕頭,引他進 去。但見那: 夭夭灼灼,顆顆株株。夭夭灼灼花盈樹,顆顆株株果壓枝。果壓枝頭垂錦彈﹔ 花盈樹上簇胭脂。時開時結千年熟,無夏無冬萬載遲。先熟的,酡顏醉臉﹔還 生的,帶蒂青皮。凝煙肌帶綠,映日顯丹姿。樹下奇葩並異卉,四時不謝色齊 齊﹔左右樓臺並館舍,盈空常見罩雲霓。不是玄都凡俗種,瑤池王母自栽培。
大聖看玩多時,問土地道:「此樹有多少株數?」土地道:「有三千六百株: 前面一千二百株,花微果小,三千年一熟,人吃了成仙了道,體健身輕﹔中間 一千二百株,層花甘實,六千年一熟,人吃了霞舉飛昇,長生不老﹔後面一千 二百株,紫紋緗核,九千年一熟,人吃了與天地齊壽,日月同庚。」大聖聞言 ,歡喜無任。當日查明了株樹,點看了亭閣,回府。自此後,三五日一次賞玩 ,也不交友,也不他遊。
(In Chapter 5) Since Sun Wukong eats many of them, then...In his eagerness to be at work he went straight to the Peach Orchard to have a look round. When he got there
he was stopped by a local tutelary god who asked him, "Where are you going, Great Sage?"
"I've been put in charge of the Peach Orchard by the Jade Emperor, and I've come to inspect it." The local god
hastened to greet him formally, and he called the men who weeded, brought water, looked after the trees, and
swept the grounds to come and kowtow to the Great Sage. When Sun Wukong was taken inside this is what
he saw:
Every tree.
Charming and luxuriant the full blossom;
Every tree weighed down with fruit.
The fruit−laden branches bend like carding−bows;
The blossoming trees are covered with powder and rouge.
Always blossoming, always in fruit, they are ripe for a thousand years;
They know no summer or winter, but linger for ever.
The early ripeners
Look red−faced and tipsy;
The ones still growing
Are green in stalk and skin.
When the dew forms, their flesh has a touch of blue,
While the sun picks out their vermilion beauty.
Below the trees exotic flowers grow,
Bright and unfading throughout the year.
On either side stand towers and pavilions,
And a rainbow always arches the sky.
These are not the common breeds of the Dark Earth Capital,
But are tended by the Queen Mother of the Jade Pool.
After taking a good look at this the Great Sage asked the local god, "How many of these trees are there?"
"Three thousand six hundred all together," the local god replied. "The ones growing at the front have tiny
blossoms and small fruits, and they ripen every three thousand years. Anyone who eats them becomes an
Immortal and understands the Way, and his body becomes both light and strong. The twelve hundred in the
middle have multiple blossoms and sweet fruits, and ripen every six thousand years; whoever eats them can
fly and enjoy eternal youth. The back twelve hundred are streaked with purple and have pale yellow stones.
They ripen once every nine thousand years, and anyone who eats them becomes as eternal as Heaven and
Earth, as long−lived as the Sun and Moon." The Great Sage was beside himself with joy on learning this, and
that day he checked the number of the trees and looked over the buildings in the orchard before going back to
his residence. From then on he went to admire them every three or four days. He dropped his friends, and made no more pleasure jaunts.
須臾,按落雲頭,回至花果山上。只見那四健將與各洞妖王,在那裏操演兵卒 。這猴王厲聲高叫道:「小的們,老孫來了。」一群猴都來叩頭,迎接進洞天 深處,請猴王高登寶位,一壁廂辦酒接風。都道:「恭喜大王,上界去十數年 ,想必得意榮歸也?」猴王道:「我才半月有餘,那裏有十數年?」眾猴道: 「大王,你在天上不覺時辰。天上一日,就是下界一年哩。請問大王,官居何 職?」
Evidence 2 (Chapter 5):He descended by cloud and was back on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit in an instant. Seeing the four
Stalwart Generals and all the kings of the monsters drilling their troops there he shouted in a shrill voice,
"Children, I'm back." The monkeys all bowed to him, took him into the heart of the cave, and asked him to sit
on his throne, while they prepared a banquet to welcome him back.
"Congratulations, Your Majesty," they all said. "After over a dozen years up there you must be coming back
in glory and triumph."
"What do you mean, over a dozen years?" asked the Monkey King. "I've only been away for a fortnight or
"Your Majesty can't have noticed the time passing in heaven. A day in heaven lasts as long as a year on earth.
May we ask what office you held?"
且說且行,徑入洞天深處。四健將打掃安歇,叩頭禮拜畢,俱道:「大聖在天 這百十年,實受何職?」大聖笑道:「我記得才半年光景,怎麼就說百十年話 ?」健將道:「在天一日,即在下方一年也。」
"I haven't been long, I haven't been long," protested the Great Sage, and as they talked they walked into the
innermost part of the cave. When the four Stalwart General's had tidied the place up and made him sit down,
they kowtowed to him and asked, "What office did you hold, Great Sage, during your century and more in
The Great Sage laughed and said, "As far as I can remember it was only six months, so why do you say it was
over a century?"
"A day in Heaven is the same as a year on earth," the Stalwart Generals replied.
His ability is to exist in the non-existence, or to come back from the non-existence. Lavos itself doesn't exist in both places at once (alternate selves of it can, but those are not one being).
His ability is to exist in the non-existence, or to come back from the non-existence. Lavos itself doesn't exist in both places at once (alternate selves of it can, but those are not one being).
Lavos can remain non-existent, or come back from being non-existent. If a buddha can do that, you certainly didn't show it.
Why can't they? They literally regenerate without their soul and are devoid of any concept. Yet they can still regenerate with nothing
Do you not know how digimon work? Firstly, they are type 1, which is massively different from type 2 NEP. They are erased data, something that can exist in reality but doesn't. Recovering something like that is not at all the same.
Pretty sure WoD's is just the name with nothing explaining its properties so I gotta make a CRT to remove it.Being beyond this could be tier 1, mind. If you ask Ultima, he might be able to help with that.
Also, have Buddha's and Wukong ever been harmed at all? Let alone destroyed fully.