Nothing changes the fact that characters will go through their own struggles even though Saitama has X+1 power levels. If most of the enjoyment comes from side characters and their growth, Saitama having x+1 invalidates nothing. And you barely make any points in the first place, I don't have much to work with here.
What is confusing you? I've elaborated on pretty much everything I've said. Quoting me and going "this makes no sense" is not an argument. Also, you
are implying that any side-characters will have their journeys invalidated because of... Saitama having x+1 powerscaling. Which they will not, as I responded to previously.
What possibilities? And why the hell does it matter that the idea is widely applicable? You don't prove anywhere that it is, by the way. This is open ended as hell with 0 justification or supporting details. Am I supposed to just go "oh,
DTG499 says it's so, that's the end of that!"? What do you mean by format, and why does it matter? What does that have to do with how the gag was originally conceived? And why doesn't it matter than Saitama will never be beaten, considering it's a core part of the gag? Once again, this is completely subjective and based on your personal enjoyment.
I have many reasons why I think OPM had a dive in quality in specific areas, and none of them are related to your barely coherent point about OPM's gag.
These are not contradictory. Saitama is portrayed as a regular man that achieves the impossible a la mind over matter. Thematically, he represents the infinite possibilities of the everyman, so any human
can achieve what he has. However, within the plot of OPM, ONE is not going to write someone that surpasses him, or at least not a villain/monster. There's nothing to say that in their world's future after the main story ends, someone else won't become another Saitama.
This is a complete non-sequitur and doesn't address anything I said. You've said absolutely nothing when you go "I grew up and realized it's much deeper than that."
And yes, that is my point. How does that disprove what I'm saying?
Do you understand how constructing an argument works? I'm responding to your assertions with counterarguments and analyses/facts that support my arguments. Your responses have consisted solely of "I didn't say that," "you're wrong," or some version of "this is how it is." And I'd like to see your "prediction" of where "this" is going. What do you mean by "this"? The series? The fight that just ended? What? Saitama is not omnipresent or omniscient, he isn't going to be time traveling at the drop of a pin. That's if it's Saitama that time traveled by the way, and not Garou sending him back.
Most of your posts have been circular reasoning and avoid addressing my points. The only point you've made is about the original gag that started the series, which I disagree with heavily. The original gag is based on an unassuming, dumb-looking character than has unlimited power and defeats bad guy with a single blow. The dichotomy is based on cool-ness factors that shonen MCs usually have versus Saitama, as well as the enjoyment of seeing MCs get stronger while pitying Saitama for being too strong. Saitama struggles to find enjoyment again, which is why readers want to see him challenged, but ONE is
very clearly stating in the manga and webcomic that this is not the correct path. Saitama is meant to grow past that desire and pursue a different goal. The pursuit-of-challenge part of the gag was never meant to last the entire series, and tying OPM's quality to that is what's really one-dimensional. You've missed the forest for the trees.