He/Him- 365
- 453
The main focus for the top tiers would be establishing the Pre-Imprisonment to FOTJ keys split for Abeloth’s physical avatars, make the case for the environmental destruction/telekinesis split for the AP of the physical incarnations of The Ones and Prime Abeloth, remove references that conflate the tiering of The Ones with the civilization of the Celestials, remove the scaling that suggests Abeloth is above both The Son and The Daughter combined, and add the list of characters who achieved Mind Walking to the Beyond Shadows scaling.StoneKiller is slightly less busy as of now I believe. My understanding is that it shouldn't take that long before the third part of this CRT comes to the public. I'm curious however, what would some of these changes revolve around?
Once I get a few calcs evaluated I’d then move on to revising the mortal Force users’ scaling more broadly (although this might be saved for another thread afterwards). This would include debunking some of the existing scaling chains like scrapping Luke and Krayt scaling to Abeloth’s prime, scrapping certain characters like Palpatine for some reason being scaled above Wutzek and amped feats like ancient Sith using the Corsair or Jerec wielding the Valley of the Jedi, debunking the star shaking metaphor from the Plagueis novel, debunking the Yarael Poof defusing a bomb feat, and replacing it all with other feats and calcs like Anakin throwing the dreadnaught, Kyp Durron destroying the Vua’spar Interceptor, Vitiate draining Ziost, Nihilus draining Katarr, Palpatine’s Force Storms ravaging the surface of worlds, and FOTJ Abeloth causing volcanic devastation across the surface of worlds.
Darth Krayt, Sarasu Taalon, Darth Caedus, Ben Skywalker, Gavar Khai and Leeha Faal all learned Mind Walking.Krayt?