You can clearly see that she isn't being lifted and can stand , walk on her own two feets and can even strugle a bit when she's concerned for renji . She merely have her arms restrained and have a collar to prevent escape . this is what it look like when she isn't capable to move :
Completly different from the chapters i referenced, 144 and 145. Her collar and links also clearly doesn't prevent her from collapsing as she clearly does at the end of her convo with gin . So if she was incappable of standing on her own two feet when exiting the seki seki prison , she would need to be carried .But she doesn't need to when there isn't reiatsu assaulting her .
You're just being dishonnest or ignorant.
So you claim that even tho byakuya was leaking spiritual pressure that shook ganju and hannataro and even ichigo and yoruichi that are kilometers away(,rukia collapsing is just a coincidence ? Are you actually serious right now ? In particular when collapsing, not being able to move and feeling weak is one of the primary effect of not completly resisting reiatsu ?
i'm starting to really feel you are trolling or in denial .
I don't have to imply anything , it's litterally being showned and explained to us . You have to prove that this isn't how it work with scan or contradictory statements.
You imply that they remotly fight byakuya ,but nobody ever said that ( probably because you think reiatsu can be resisted by AP) but that is hardly the case . Their soul just got strong enough to survive the casual reiatsu of byakuya without danger of dying .You have no idea on how much reiryoku have to increase to perform that feat so you treat it as a massive boost without anything to back it up .
As soon as Byakuya unleash a more serious reiatsu , even hanataro can't stand up on his own and rukia is visibly shook too and can't up anymore.
Rukia gradually regain her reiryoku the longer she spend out of the seki seki ( as it constantly disperse spiritual energy while inside) as a shinigami create spiritual power as long as their heart beat. So by the rules of the verse , she gradually got more resistance , even for the few minutes she spend outside the prison watching ganju fight and talking to ichigo , that add up to the increase of reiryoku she got when exposed to danger. Not enough to do anything offensive wise , but enough to not die to reiatsu.
You can say it's absurd all you want , that is her feats and that is how the verse work with statements from urahara and mayuri to back it up . Later , after spending a good while outside the seki seki prison and regained more reiryoku, she can even resist The Man Aizen himself casual reiatsu , the characther with one of the strongest reiatsu in the verse.She can't move but she clearly isn't dying or feeling particulary unwell. So her feats are consistent , the more her reiryoku increased , not matter the cause ( danger boost or regain her own dispersed reiryoku) , the better she could resist the ever increasing level of reiatsu she was inflicted.
Rukia doesn't want anyone to be hurt or die because of her , so i don't see your point about her checking hanataro's condition .She would die for her friends , she would check on him even if she was near death . She doesn't resist it better than hanataro at all .
Again ,you can deny the extent all you want , as long as you don't provide the necesarry ammount of reiryoku that is neccesary to posses compared to the ammount of reiatsu you are inflicted with , there is no contradiction .
that doesn't change the fact that rukia state that she can't handle reiatsu when her reiryoku is low . That is proven by feats and verse mechanics many time , those that have a lower ammount of reiryoku always have more troubler with all the hax in bleach. That is the thing you can't refute, no matter how hard you try .
Going to bed right now , i will tackle your response tommorow.