TheJ-ManRequiem said:
He needs feats to show he has such precision in doing so, the slowest hes slowed down time is his best unless other wise stated.
The second part makes no sense, if he slows down time but Samus is moving properly he didn't slow down time? Show me an example since I'm a bit lost there.
>standard attack >phazon Not really, but if they're projectiles and waves, they should be bound to the same attributes, at the very least she can passively suck them in to her power beam to avoid them touching her curcumventing the current problem.
On a side note literally everything is a concept.
Ok, so he just slows down time around himself. In an OV episode when Ben first discovers this ability, everything turns green and clockwork starts walking through slowed down pipes being thrown around. It appears as if he's just slowed down time, however when we see Rook's perspective, everything is moving normally while Clockwork is moving at XLR8 class speeds all of a sudden. So Clockwork kinda like slowed down time only for himself so he perceives everything as slowed down but time in the real world isn't slowed down which is why Rook and the squid monster they were fighting weren't slowed down when we see get out of Ben's POV (well this is if I'm understanding correctly)
Eh, I can't buy it. She's absorbed things like explosions and stuff that can be blocked and tanked and stuff, whereas this literally bypasses that. If she were to absorb it, it would likely still affect her. Or, he could just do the thing I showed in the picture (his time manip spread throughout the planet. If he could just do that around the town but change the effect of the time field from 'bringing back people from being erased from the universe' to 'age her to dust' or 'send her to another timeline' it could work.
Well, even if she did end up somehow being able to blow something up despite Clockwork's ability, he could proceed to just reverse time to where she didn't do that (Based on the WOG I provided, the scene with him and AU Ben, his range and :
Quoting time:
No Watch Ben : Hey! Woah! Who's this?!
Ben 10,000 : Clockwork. He's got time powers. Speed up, slow down, forward, back..)
Tbh I think if he just slowed down time around himself he could very easily do this. If he stops time, how come he won't be able to age her to dust, doesn't seem very incompatible to me?