1)Since when Namco has to make Akuma do the same feats again he already has from street fighter just to please people like who are asking for too much from a character,i can also do the same thing for when one piece had a special crossover episode with dragon ball,i can also ask for goku to do a universal feat like in dbs and say why he didnt do it at all and you example is still not a good one,smash is a crossover game,all characters are from different franchises fighting each other,tekken 7 isnt a crossover,even with guests characters and geese,negan and noctis arent canon to the game,meanwhile akuma is part of the main story,also dont go at me and use vs wiki profiles as an argument,if you were to use that anywhere else you would lose credibility from anyone you debated with
2)claiming the raging demon is weaker just cuz of different versions isnt an argument,also heihachi survived it by sheer durability as shown in the battle,although that left him weakened afterwards,so i can claim jin scales to that,cuz heihachi done by being tough enough to resist that,its something obvious in the series that heihachi survives most stuff cuz he is just that durable,he is hard to kill
Excuse me but in tekken 3 intro near the end when jin got the tatto on him we see the devil spirit appearing there marking jin and its said in the story of the games that part of the devil left kazuya and went to jin and its said later on that he lost that part of him when heihachi threw kazuya in a volcano so he tried to absorb that out of Jin and its seen in kazuya ending if he won the battle and succeded,then there is also devil jin ending in tekken where he does it on jinpachi,which was said by harada that a vengeful spirit was what jinpachi had him possessed and jinpachi also mentions in interludes about it by saying "this thing" and jin absrobs that and there is even in tag 2 when kazuya absorbs unknown,which is possessed by a whole like spirit as we saw in tag 1 and when you beat her in tag 2,there is a cutscene of spirits getting out of her body and going into her again,thats more then enough to prove soul resistance
Also kazuya failed to do it not cuz of jin will power,because he had the kazama blood that was stopping him from that,so stop making head canons that ryu can resist it by will power,when it was said why it failed
3)contending with bison doesnt scale ryu to him,in one of the animated movies he and ken together barely beat him and bison was messing around with them and owning them,while characters like akuma put bison down in mere moments,also iirc in one of the alpha games,ryu had sagat,chun li,sakura and ken help to beat bison at the end,so ryu isnt on bison level in base form and its shown that either with evil ryu or mu no ken he can compete legit on even terms
4)Bison didnt destroy a city,Ryu energy from the body used to power a satellite weapon of shadaloo did it and why is that rated as city level in the first place?there isnt even a calc for that either on his profile or anything and its assumed to be city level from what?the size aint given either,so that very well can be small city level as well since nothing was done for it and likely higher is also assumed out of what...there is no multiplier or anything that indicates how much of a power increase mu no ken and satsui no hado give for ryu,so im not gonna accept any comment that says "AP for ryu is higher" from assumptions with little effort regarding the feat in question,also jin in base form isnt small city he is higher then that,so the tiering given on that aint accurate
i didnt said the satsui no hado is non canon, i said evil ryu is,because he never transformed into him ever,best we seen in canon is ryu being under its influence for a bit,with the eyes indicating that,his appearance doesnt change though,so next time research before you claim something,plus ryu still struggles with it,jin dealt with his devil gene after tekken 5 and can use part of its power whenever he pleases,unlike ryu which gets taken under its influence and having to be snapped out of it by someone else
5)stop making excuses....sagat was beating his ass and ryu couldnt beat him,even in sf5 kage points out when he tells ryu he defeated sagat and akuma,something which ryu wanted but never accomplished on his own with his power and its more obvious when kage beats him too,ryu had to just ignore him and not give him attention as he wasnt any match for him,the fact ryu had use a shoryuken powered by the hado when sagat was off guard and trying to be fair play says a lot,you cant argue the story there,weather you like it or not,the 2nd tournament isnt saying ryu won and its up for debate as it doesnt confirm anything and against seth he didnt beat him as evil ryu....and used the mu no ken as we saw in the movie....stop makng up lies and stop hyping ryu up,plus the fight didnt happen in a tournament at all,jin on the other hand won 3 tournamens by skill and training,without using the devil form or anything,meanwhile ryu used two different powers in these instances,not even base form
You act like Jin doesnt have techniques....he has parries,numerous stances from which he has moves out of them and so on,if you wanna compare their moves,i can pull off both characters move list and then we see which one has the better one and more technical and complex,ryu has jabs and low kicks along hadokens,shoryukens at best,jin has a lot more then that for him,so stop overrating him
Also how cute of you sayng ryu know 2 styles...jin knows 3 and he learned when he wasnt even as old as ryu,kazama,mishimas and traditional karate fighting styles,you can tell me how much you want that ryu has better h2h or such,your claims are debunked by jin having more styles learned under is belt on top of more things for him in general,even their move lists prove that also lets not forget that jin beat guys more experienced and better in h2h then ryu,including ogre that copied numerous moves of other martial artists or participants from the tournament for himself
6)you just contradicted yourself by saying jin using telekinesis when an opponent wasnt nearly defeated,that being the motorcycle instance,kazuya used his telekinesis to knock heihachi away,kazumi used it to summon a meteor from the sky and throw it at an opponent,all in cutscenes or transitions,yours with devil jin doing it on a defeated opponent is a win animation,so no,he can use it in battle too if he wants,kazuya and kazumi done it before whats stopping jin from doing it?
Also now that i looked at the motorcycle feat again,he blew it up from the inside,so whats gonna stop jin doing the same on ryu?you dont have any excuse or good answer
So in the end as i said,bias and favoritism by certain people in this thread and ignorance at its finest,with claims of things i already debunked or talked about earlier and poor excuses,you ignore that fact that jin has a huge edge in hax,ryu has mainly ki attacks with fire and electricity based properties for the same thing which aint even that big of a deal,jin family shown they can resist electricty and fire be fine and besides those ryu other main thing is a soul destroying move which can be avoided or countered against,kazuya countered akuma raging demon in the final fight they had,whats stopping jin from pulling the same thing?even if jin didnt had resistance(but does as proven already),it can be avoided or defended against
And as mentioned earlier,huge hax advantage,telekinesis,flight,intangibility/pashing like kazumi and kazuya shown,teleportation in a manner like jinpachi and kazuya,schockwaves,power absorbing done by taking the spirit/soul in canon and non canon as proven,ability to sense someone soul,Regenerationn,lasers,force fields and such
And one last thing,even if Bison used teleportation on Ryu,you still didnt prove he beat him on his own at all and i already talked about how it goes if ryu fights him alone in base form,thats further proves he has problems with a teleporting character like him,meanwhile jin won his battles against such opponents without a problem
You still didnt convinced me Ryu winning and said the same things i heard before for anyone siding Ryu,so i dont know how you can be that blind to see him winning when its been also done by other vs shows or pages for vs fights this match up,jin won all of them and it was acknowledged facts like ryu not scaling to characters like Akuma or any other character factually above him or that his winsand feats arent as impressive as they are in comparison to jin,thats not just me saying,but a tons of other people as well and they do their research for them