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So there is this cool scene
Saitama throws a punch at Genos but doesn't hit him and the shockwave of the punch ravages a huge land formation.
Thing is, considering Saitama didn't land the punch and the shockwave was what caused the damage.
Here's the thing, Genos was right in front of the punch meaning most of the shockwave would have to pass through him before reaching the land formation and thus he'd tank most of it first. Wouldn't this warrant some form of upgrade if we calc the feat?
Saitama throws a punch at Genos but doesn't hit him and the shockwave of the punch ravages a huge land formation.
Thing is, considering Saitama didn't land the punch and the shockwave was what caused the damage.
Here's the thing, Genos was right in front of the punch meaning most of the shockwave would have to pass through him before reaching the land formation and thus he'd tank most of it first. Wouldn't this warrant some form of upgrade if we calc the feat?