Aww... I wanted to make Mew Vs. Arceus later...
Oh well, I`ll copy and paste what it was going to replace it so you may check it, even if it`s not going to be used at this point:
Mew is a Psychic Type Mythical Pokémon. It is said to be the progenitor of all other Pokémon, and was the base for
Mewtwo's genetic code.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 5-B,
higher with Genesis Supernova.
Varies with Transform
Name: Mew
Origin: Pokémo
Gender: Genderless, however, has been referred to as male in Super Mystery Dungeon
Age: Unknown. Likely several millions of years old as the ancestor of most Pokémon.
Classification: Mythical Pokémon, New Species Pokémon, Pokémon, Phantom Pokémon
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics,
Immortality (Type 1), Psychic Powers (
Stealth Mastery (remained hidden for millennia),
Rock Manipulation,
Forcefield Creation,
Portal Creation,
Empathic Manipulation,
Soul Manipulation,
Energy Manipulation,
Elemental Manipulation,
Dream Manipulation,
Regenerationn (Mid-Low),
Reality Warping (Can grant wishes),
Statistics Amplification,
Resistance to
Fighting and
Psychic type moves,
Homing Attack, Possibility for
Statistics Reduction,
Power Mimicry,
Attack Potency: Planet level (Battled evenly against Mewtwo in the first movie),
higher with Genesis Supernova;
Varies depending on who it transforms into with Transform
Speed: At least
Relativistic, likely
far higher (Reacted to and kept up with
Varies with Transform.
Lifting Strength: At least
Class 100, Varies with Transform
Striking Strength: Planet Class, Varies with Transform
Durability: Planet level, Varies with Transform
Stamina: Extremely high (It was able to fight against Mewtwo for a while),
Varies with Transform
Range: Standard melee range. Planetary with projectiles and abilities,
Varies with Transform
Standard Equipment: Mewnium Z (Allows use of Genesis Supernova), Lum Berry (Cures Mew of any status condition once), Salac Berry (Raises Mew's speed when eaten)
Intelligence: Extremely high (Can learn any TM and HM)
Weaknesses: Bug, Ghost, and
Dark Type moves. Genesis Supernova can only be used once per battle. The Lum Berry can only be used once; varies depending on who it transform into
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Mega Punch: Mew attacks with a strong punch.
- Psychic: Mew uses a strong psychokinesis for offensive, defensive, and supplementary means, such as lifting the target in question or simply blasting them. It may also lower their special defense. It is also the base for Genesis Supernova.
- Genesis Supernova: Mew's signature Z-Move. First, Mew strikes the opponent with its full force, and then its surroundings are charged with psychic powers, boosting Mew's psychic power even further. The Psychic Terrain also protects Mew and all those who are grounded from priority based attacks.
- Transform: Mew transforms into the opponent, copying their stats, powers, attacks and appearance, may also come back to his original form if it desires to (comparable, if not higher than Ditto )
- Aura Sphere: Mew lets loose a blast of aura power from deep within its body at the target that is difficult to avoid because of its homing properties.
- Nasty Plot: Raises the power of its special attacks.
- Metronome: Mew wags its finger and uses a completely random attack.
- Transform: Mew shapeshifts into the opponent, gaining their attacks, voice, and stats.
- Ancient Power: Mew attacks with an ancient power that may boost all of its stats.
- Teleport: Mew teleports to another location.
- Barrier: Mew throws up a psychic barrier that boosts its defense.
- Pound: Mew physically pounds the opponent with its tail.
- Reflect Type: Mew changes its Type to match the target's.
- Amnesia: Mew temporarily empties its mind to boost its special defense.
- Me First: Mew cuts ahead of its opponent and uses their intended move.
- Baton Pass: Mew swaps out of the battle with one of its allies and passes any stat changes it may have received to them.
- Synchronize: Should Mew receive a status condition the opponent will also receive that same status condition if they are not immune to it.