As pointed out already, the supersonic+ calc for Albedo is wrong, so character should be rescaled from that lv 35 Death Warrior slicing machine gun bullets, which would still put the characters at supersonic+ (
machine gun bullets are from 890 to 1219 m/s). However, not all characters should scale. Ainz for instance gets outsped by Clementine who is weaker than a Death Warrior. Still, Ainz's attack speed would scale to supersonic+ because his spells can hit lv 100 NPC, but his general combat/movement speed isn't that high. I would assume this would extend to other mage characters that aren't physically impressive, like Mare, where their spell may scale to supersonic+ if they can hit high level character, but their normal speed likely doesn't scale just like with Ainz.
I disagree with the the supersonic rating for the fodders though. It's entirely based on Zenberu
supposedly creating a sonic boom when he swung his halberd, but it's never actually stated that he did, people just assume he did because "he didn't hit anything, so that sound the halberd produced couldn't be anything else but a sonic boom" (we argued over this
earlier in the thread, with the differing translations and all, but it never went anywhere). I maintain that whatever the right translation is, whether it be
bang or "roaring sound" or something else, just assuming that sound was a sonic boom because you can't think of what else it could be is pretty much an argument from ignorance. If you were to look at both the manga and anime adaptation of that moment, you'll find no sonic boom occuring.
Lifting Strength
The class 50 lifting strength that the characters have comes from Ainz lifting
this dragon, which doesn't make sense since the dragon is only a few meters tall and class 50 starts at 25 tons, a weight only ever reached by whales or longneck dinosaurs (out real life animals of course). It should go down to whatever it was before, or they should be rescaled to CZ's Class 25 she gets for breaking chains.