→ サンジの奥の手は、摩擦を用いた灼熱の“悪魔風脚”!!
↑ 敵を食材とした際にのみ、戦闘で包丁捌きが披露される。
↓ 一瞬の機転で時に一味の窮地を救う。参謀的存在に。
A "first-class chef of the sea" who loves women and food!
The rare restaurant "Baratier" is located on the sea. As the sous-chef of the restaurant, he trained under the "bright-footed" Zeph, the chef of the "Straw Hat crew". He never uses his sacred hands for anything other than cooking food, respects women, and never raises a hand to anyone, even an enemy. With the pride that Zeph instilled in him, he has honed his skills to the point where he is recognized as a top-notch cook and fighter by both himself and others. Sanji, who has earned the nickname "Black Legs," demonstrates his "skill" today in order to fill the stomachs of his crew...!
All Blue
A chef's paradise where fish from all over the world gather. Sanji's dream is to get there.
→ Sanji's secret move is the scorching "Devil's Legs" using friction!
↑ Sanji's knife-handling skills are displayed in battle only when he uses his enemies as ingredients.
↓ He sometimes saves the day with his quick wits. He has become a master strategist.