An assassin is just a killer of an important person for certain goals. Stereotypically, they carry out surprise attacks, but once their cover is blown, many of them don't simply try to look for cover again until their target is neutralized. Typically, what you claim is what ninjas do, Deathstroke is not a ninja. Slade's initial attacks are always surprise attacks; however, the battle starts with each other in view, so while it is in character for Deathstroke to employ stealth, he only does so initially if his cover is not blown or if he is already face to face with his target. Never mid combat.
What are you talking about? He does it all the time?
It's literally WHY he has smoke bombs bro.
This isn't an argument, despite the fact that he can and does, with it being a whole facet of the game itself, hell there's even a mode for it.
Also Slade's beaten the shit out of Ninja's (At THEIR temple) and the Ninja master mentioned Slade is super impressive
Even if he can, he won't. He would attempt to chase Drake down. Any other depiction from my knowledge is probably game mechanics schtik with a stealth inclined player.
"Any other dep-", just because it's player-controlled doesn't mean it doesn't count, some of the maps
require you to do some of that shit to get the medals, it has nothing to do with what the player wants, it's expected to actually beat it. And he has the equipment for
exactly that, do you think Deathstroke rolls up with that stuff for no reason? He has it because he uses it, whether he's seen at the start doesn't matter, that's
what the smoke bombs are for.
And mate, he could do both, at the same time, Drake can't stop him if he wants to do either.
Drake is already used to flash bangs and grenades from multiple mercenaries and militaries.
Being used to them isn't the same as being immune, Batman's also used to them, but in the literal less than half a second he's barely dazed for, Deathstroke can vanish, and Deathstroke uses them all the time, mid CQC, at a distance, whatever.
This is a nonargument, if I shoot a dude in the leg a dozen times, I'm sure he's used to being shot in the leg, doesn't mean he wouldn't be affected by it.
Hell, with probably a little bit of luck, an older drake out of his prime has kept his distance from a fast and large armored vehicle speeding at him while the buildings and structures around him crash down while getting shot at by machine guns from the armored vehicle while climbing obstacles created by said collapsed structure.
So? Literally none of that helps, Slade is way faster than a truck, is so utterly mobile that absolutely nothing would impede his way in this fight, and instead would just serve to give him more things to launch himself off of.
Which he can do while being shot at too.
Slade objectively has far, far, better mobility, agility, and movement speed.
A younger drake should be able to get by as he tries to keep distance with his experience, take punishment, and avoid certain death via his luck. He can do all this while unloading his own arsenal on Slade. These grenades and flashbangs will run out eventually, and things will continuously become easier for Drake.
Based on what? A feat that isn't even remotely enough to bridge the gap between him and Slade.
Experience? Slade is far more experienced than Nathan to the point that it isn't even funny. Avoid certain death? Sure, for a bit.
He actually can't do all the while unloading his arsenal on Slade because he can't even hit him either, and even if he could he'd just heal it off, not to mention Slade's other equipment like tethers he can use to launch stuff or block stuff too.
Slade's mobility advantage is absolutely insane, in an environment he can make perfect use of it. I'd also like to point out that Slade
will know everything Nathan has on him, he'd be able to, ironic as it might be, wait till Nathan is out of shit, not the other way around.
Also he has a metric fuckton of those
technically infinite he ain't running out, nor would he, he only actually needs 1 or 2 to get the job done.
Your argument of how it'd become less difficult doesn't add up given Slade is the dude who knows all the equipment his opponent has, every opening, exploit, and the environment to the T and has far more training and experience to make his shit last, opposed to the dude who doesn't know what his foe has, how much he has, and can't play around that fact while Slade can, like Slade could legit just trick him into thinking he has nothing left by actively emptying out his mags on purpose, to get Nathan to do the same (Which Slade can confirm when he's out as he'd know all his equipment due to Tactical Vision), only for him to whip out the rifle or stun gas he has built into his staff or something which Nathan can't exactly account for.
As for the marksmanship bit, Drake is definitely going to land his hits on Slade, even under pressure. Nathan can shoot while hanging on ledges by a cliff, he has also shot down mercenaries on motorcycles while jumping from a caravan to horseback; Drake has shot down a maneuvering helicopter on a moving train with a machine gun in a short amount of time, he also has lucky feats like shooting two mercenaries in quick succession while a car is on top of him after he recently got toppled by an armored vehicle all before his luck ran out. Heck, an out-of-form Drake could take care of enemies while hanging onto a rope dragged on the road by a speeding truck. Slade's acrobatics definitely help, but Drake is a skilled marksman with all his weapons, so he should be fine with this bit.
My dude, ignoring how Slade > Batman, who can literally weave through bullets. His
movement speed to Supersonic+ too, enabling him to actively outpace bullets and gunfire. And mind you, speed is unequal (Which is another reason why Nathan ain't creating distance, Slade would be on his ass in literally less than a second, and once Deathstroke is in CQC, it's over, and even if it was equal, only combat speed gets equalized, with other speeds getting equated comparably so Deathstroke would still have insane burst movement). But it also means have fun hitting the dude actively as fast as all your weapons, who is far more mobile than the weapons (and you), and far more mobile than any of the feats you just named off.
And even if he does hit him, instant regen for things like bullet wounds kick in, assuming it gets past the body armor.
Drake buys bits and pieces of time by making conversation. His social influencing helps to simply buy bits and pieces of time, which helps Drake in certains ways, often by buying time while gaining some info. It's a small factor here, a form of manipulation not simply goading so stop comparing him to goons that probably won't even have the ability on their pages.
Ignoring how Social Influencing is the fakest power on the wiki 99% of the time and def ain't doing anything here (Like why do you legitimately think shit talking the dude who gets shit talked all the time and doesn't bat an eye is suddenly going play right into some dude's hands? Bruh Deathstroke is legitimately smarter than Nathan to begin with, he's going to pick up how Nathan is just trying to goad him before he even finishes his first sentence.
i am comparing it because that's
all it is. It's goading, let's not pretend it isn't, what's the difference between Nathan saying something and someone else saying it? At best, simply how it's said, unless there's an actual supernatural effect at play, which there ain't (the profile literally just says he talks and stuff mid-fight to buy time, just justification is LEGITMATELY goading and being a smartass), all this means is that Nathan is good with words and can sometimes use that to his advantage, but it doesn't mean much against a dude, or
any dude, who really couldn't give less of a **** about what his foe thinks of his aim or basic bickering
Nathan doesn't even know the things that
would get Slade to act dumb, which says a lot because dudes have brought up his son before and it didn't stop him from doing whatever it is he's doing.
We all agree that Slade is definitely a more skilled CQC.
Nathan is also no slouch in skill, so he should still survive a fair bunch with Social Influencing and Luck on his side.
So moving on from this point.
Slade could legitimately enter CQC in less than a second and Nathan can't do a thing to stop it due to movement speed gap. He could also do so via grapnels, double claw thing, literally just one jump.
He could slip away in the dozens of vents, grates, passageways, and so on in this locale too.
Nathan isn't a slouch, but I also don't think he'd even be able to fight against a League Member, who are kinda fodder in Arkham.
Just because he's skilled doesn't mean he's as skilled as arguably the most skilled person Batman's ever fought (Which, while Batman beat him, that says more about Batman than it does Slade, given even by the time of Arkham Knight, like a decade later, he's still considered one of, if not the most skilled person he's fought).
If they enter CQC, which they would at a drop of a hat, Nathan gets folded.
Social Influencing while he's getting a fist shoved into his face? Idk how anyone can talk while being gassed.
And luck? You already said it can run out, it won't save him when Slade is wailing on him with a dozen different techniques.
I disagree with slade going into stealth mode mid fight for reasons I mentioned earlier. I believe he simply chases Nathan as he keeps his distance. He does certainly zip around a lot and utilizes his flash bangs often.
He's definitely going stealth mode if his other options won't work
kinda like youre meant to do that, which you keep arguing won't, it's one or the other, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
So yeah, I believe Drake does take this more often than not. It is certainly going to be a difficult fight but its nothing drake can't handle. His endurance, ammunition, quick thinking, social influence, and most of all Luck, will grab him his victory. High Diff win.
I legitimately think this is a stomp on Deathstroke's end. Like right there, everything you just named off, endurance? Deathstroke has better endurance, to the point he almost
can't get tired, he can go for days without food or drink just like Nathan, and be completely fine, he can be pumped full of bullets and heal it in seconds, his body is actively engineered so the chemicals that make you tired or hurt aren't even really a thing for him.
Ammunition? Deathstroke not only has more equipment here, but a good chunk of his stuff doesn't actually run out of ammo like his staff.
Quick Thinking? Deathstroke was bio-engineered to be able to think both quickly and tactically, able to formulate complex plans and strategies on the fly beyond what a human should be capable of, his thinking is actually classified under Meta, aka, it's considered a superpower in context, bro runs a militia for kicks even.
Social Influence argument? What's stopping Slade from just like, dropping a literal bomb, filtering it out, etc? Or just making it so he can't? (Except actually, the place they're fighting in has alarms that can be set off to mask noise, Batman even uses it so he can take out goons and the other goons not be alerted from them screaming).
Luck is good, but it runs out, and Deathstroke has every tool available to do so.
I legit don't even know how Nathan is gonna
kill Deathstroke either, from what I see on the profile, Nathan's AP is below Batman, who is in turn below Deathstroke. If he was stronger than Deathstroke, maybe, but weaker? Against a dude who can heal wounds in seconds? I'm not even sure if it'd get past the armor. The
only thing Nathan has here is luck, and that ain't the end all, be all.