- 638
- 78
LIts annoying when they dont realize when their wrong
However they can still be relative lol. That’s the argument. If I can harm someone or in this case the eight tails. My ap is relative to its durability. Such an easy concept. Overpowering someone in physical strength doesn’t necessarily mean that you’d win a fight. THE 4TH RAIKAGE IS STATED TO HAVE THE BEST COMBAT ABILITY IN THE VILLAGE. So if he is relative in ap he could have better fighting techniques and other fighting related stats that make him superior to B. But factually they are relative in stats.
since you can still be stronger and be relative. So the 4th Raikage would still be in Killer b’s range and tier of power. Hence Low 6-B.
Also he scales above ms sasuke who harmed the 8 tails. And being capable of killing kcm1.
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