the issue isnt a matter of execution its a matter of marketability and whether or not its worth the resources, there are plenty of films that are well written with amazing animation and directing that dont do well, and this is for an audience that doesnt have any expectations, let alone something like boruto where the market for the films would be people looking to get spectacle , a lot of the "exhilarating" moments come from knowledge fans would have prior or with future events in mind not your average person who would be buying a ticket who makes up the bulk of revenue.
also while you can polish the moment to moment writing, that doesnt change the fact that the arc is not self contained and the larger screenplay will suffer for this, themes, characterization ect will take a hit because it will be taking the approach that many marvel movies do where the connective tissue that makes a narrative engaging is sacrificed at the alter for future setups.
the opening of the arc alone acts as resolution for code/eida and daemon coming off of the previous arc, you would have a resolution at the start of your film followed by setup that eventually gets resolved in TV show potentially years later.
my question would then be to what benefit is there in making it a movie?
+ better pacing?, not really, anything the movie could do, the anime could do equally well with the right staff
+ Better animation?, maybe but thats not a guarantee either, given 70% of something like Road to the Ninja looks like a very average shippuden episode and plenty of this
< this is from the road to the ninja movie
+ would it let us get to adapting TBV faster?, not really as the staff would be split up and movies have far longer pre production (let these guys finish up just 4 naruto episodes first lol)
+ better viewing experience? MAYBE, i personally prefer watching films over tv shows normally but thats too subjective and not everyone would feel as i do
+ would it cost them cheaper? well this isnt super binary as on a technical side there would logically be less to animate but the quality spent on each genga/background/character animation ect would be higher which would require more time and more money, this can be technically countered by producing something of tv quality with a films runtime but this would be negating one of the benefits of having a movie.
+ would it be more financially beneficial to them? , likely not, boruto does not have the cache it did in 2015, a lot of its money would have to be made via licensing overseas , which isnt impossible and i think would be the main reason for getting a movie.