(Rewatching, I just noticed the 1st 15 seconds shows the Student 6 getting on a train! Yay! They remembered & explained! I hadn't seen much of them before on previous watches!
Also, amusing sightings: AWill Farrel-esque elf pony being chased by a raccoon. XD Poor thing. Pony covered in jam kissing a cherry jam jar, & the salespony looking on awkwardly.)
One thing I just remembered: The Winterchilla/Winterzilla thing happens when it becomes night. ....And we see day become night in seconds.
Do we have other timeframes for Celestia lowering the sun &/or Luna raising the moon like this one? (Even if they're off-screen.)
The Winterzilla is attracted to sparkly things. It also seems to be able to eat & chew Christmas like ornaments without bother, as it does so twice. Aren't those often sharp glass/plastic/metal? If it can digest them....
Just to be sure, Flurry Heart has shown fine control telekinesis & teleportation before, right?
During Twilight's researching into the pudding, we're told the ponies on the 1st Hearthwarming's Eve defeated the Windigos. I forget, is this new information? (When even was the last time we saw a Windigo? Season 2?)
During the song, Spike is carrying not only Twilight's list, but Fluttershy, Rarity & Rainbow Dash & is able to continue dragging them along for a few seconds before he has to stop with their entangled mess on the ground weighing him down. Could this be applicable to his Lifting Strength in his Post Puberty key?
The names of the Mane 6 are "written" as Cutie Marks/images. Should we take this as the official way of writing their names, for corner cases? (Ex: If there's a Death Note or something that works on ponies.)
Derpy doesn't realize that the mailing address is Sweet ACORN Acres until she reads with a magnifying glass. This may be indicative of an illiteracy related disability worth mentioning on her profile.
Do we know the location of Sweet Acorn Orchards/Acres? We don't see any sign Rarity took a train there... but then again, we don't get a timeframe, so I guess not really a speed feat, eh? Dangit. (Nothing to scale her above Peak Human for her base Unicorn form?)
Shining Armor has great agility to jump, grab a hanging drape, swing from it to a higher balcony, & do a flip while shooting a beam from his horn before he lands. Should it be mentioned as a feat to indicate his skill?
Discord says "Oh for Scorpan's sake". Should we take that as indication of Scorpan having been in FiM's timeline/universe? Or Discord being Discord & referencing things not necessarily present in his universe?
Pinkie Pie listing off the recipe & her flashback indicates her gift from the recipe was knowing the recipe perfectly. So, the Reindeer can endow beings with centuries old knowledge, like very old magical pudding recipes?
All 3 of Aurora, Bore (Is that how you spell it? Bori? Boree?) & Alis have flight, as shown by the ending. Fast enough to fly from outside Twilight's Castle to in front of the camera in seconds. (About 5 for Aurora, 4.5 for Bori, & 4 seconds for Alis it looks like.)
Discord doing "two thumbs way up" creates 2 seemingly rocket-propelled, giant versions of his thumbs, which fly up & explode into fireworks. Explosion Manipulation for Discord? Possibly also Technological Manipulation? (Then again, his magic did nothing but create what I'm only ASSUMING to be machines; They could've been automated from there rather than been controlled by it, even if they are technology.)
Another Hearth's Warming Eve has passed. How old is Spike now?
So yeah. Any of that worth working out? Any meaningful conclusions to be made, or am I just blathering?