I don't understand what you're trying to say at all.
Also the Quirk combination was never stated to kill Prime All Might, he already knew how powerful All Might was after weakening. USJ Nomu is proof of that, and All Might himself stated he was far weaker and could defeat Nomu in five punches. And AFO confirms that he knows All Might is weaker, when Shigaraki suggest otherwise.
I don't see what relevance this would even be, Prime AFO shouldn't even scale to Prime All Might. Honestly Prime All Might should just be unknown or removed, those keys rely too much on speculation. Shigaraki being superior to Prime AFO means literally nothing to this.
Also just because All Might says it, we don't have to assume he means Prime. We always go with the lower safer end, nothing 100% confirms anything about their Prime self.