Some people always stonewall discussions regarding specific verses and kill all discussions. I thought this would be a standard fight but seeing some of the arguments people are bringing up, they are up there with Nen crush gg, Reiatsu crush stomp and only stands can see or touch other stands.
These type of arguments are complete discussion killers. I thought people would be comparing characters strength, speed, combat skills, versatility and combat intelligence but noooo, let's bring up some vague concepts that don't even cross the verse.
I know some people are mentioning souls in MHA, but there aren't any souls in MHA, even the vestiges are specifically called consciousnesses not souls. So far it is a purely scientific world. No mysticism, magic or occult. So when you bring up occult rules of another works magic verse, they don't gel well with MHA at all.
I remember setting up a JJK vs MHA matchup & people were just coming with arguments like only cursed energy can affect curses, and I just had to restrain myself from cursing, pun intended. Of course that's how it is, Curse energy is JJKs power system and is unique to it.