What If…? head writer A.C. Bradley responded to fan complaints about how Ultron was able to use the Infinity Stones outside of his timeline.
"Happy Monday! Just a reminder that Ultron is using the Infinity Stones to power himself (same universe being). Also he's legit punching across multiverses turning them into one messy universe soup. #WhatIf #WhatifMarvel #WeDidOurHW #YouAreAllAmazing
1:25 is in reference to thus
I somehow imagined it would be better than this, that doesn't mean he's destroying them, just messing them up. Earlier in the fight punches broke "portals" from universe to universe and were left open, a galaxy got destroyed, and a universe some got part of it turned into something else, what he said isn't wrong to describe what happened.
Also wouldn't an threat to the multiverse imply vultron can destroy timelines overtime?
I can be wrong though
No. A threat to anything could do bad things to something, even if at parts of it and not most of it. Some criminal in a building being a threat to it may end up killing 5 persons and that's it, was he not a threat to the building before doing that killing? That is a rhetorical quesion and this is something considered basic when dealing with this.
Really, Ultron should have Infinite speed if he were to one day reach to invade every of the infinite universes that multiply themselves into infinte more for each action in each of the infinite universes, but nobody would clearly ever believe he had that because he didn't show it, it goes against what was shown and clearly they weren't exact.
Also pretty sure he implied he could but he can't intervine
He also drew a comparison between how he would and how Strange fixed things, the point is that he didn't do something to affirm he could fix things right there right now.
The timeline was already collapsing on itself, so stopping the paradox would leave the timeline still half collpased.
By that logic, the good Strange stopping the bad one wouldn't have fixed the world too. Unless it would have, if things were to fix themselves by reality lacking a reality-destroying paradox. But it's not like he would have just stopped the collpase as it is and leave things like that.
Space and Time itself were collapsing too, so Time Traveling to before Strange Supreme could revive Christine would be impossible for the Watcher and assuming he could do that instead of saying that he would be able to simply restore the timeline is your interpretation.
You missed the meaning of my words, by the Watch's position, he can. He already knew the story, what would happen, he "followed" Strange to the past and kept up with universes in a future after this timeline got destroyed. It just has an extra layer.
The effect used clearly indicates that he is using Reality Warping to affect the Timeline. The people that are watching get turned into Wakandian and Skrulls, which means that it's not Dimensional Travel or Causality Manipulation. Transmutation, instead, it's unlikely considering that at the end we see that they are in a ice planet with a giant moon. It's much more plausible that he was simply rewriting reality.
This is dogmatism.
Destroying one planet or galaxy at the time wouldn't make him a danger to the Multiverse. The only possibly way it could be one is if he could destroy at the very least a Timeline at the time, which given the context and the Word of God is much more likely.
This too is dogmatism. The math of summing something that isn't a Low 2-C feat + something that too isn't a Low 2-C feat doesn't make things "much more likely".