I'm not assuming that he creates and finishes the ice wall in the instant he fires off the attack, I'm using evidence from the manga to say so.
You saying my evidence is not enough because all it shows is that the ice was made fast is exactly my point about you intentionally downplaying Todoroki. What other timeframe exists for you to say that the ice wasn't created that fast? Where is your assumption that Todoroki didn't finish the ice wall coming from? Why are you assuming this with no evidence whatsoever?
You agree that the ice was made incredibly fast, but disagree that it was made in the given time interval? Ok, why does that time interval not work? Aizawa's blink, the instant he does so in fact, is the only time frame ever given for anything. You assuming that he made some of the ice, which just so happened to be enough to block Aizawa's view of them, then proceeded to finish the ice wall after, all while Aizawa is just lounging in the air, is a claim that is steeped in nothing but assumptions far worse than "Todoroki made it that fast", so I sure hope that isn't what you're basing your belief on.
Aizawa and his capture tape were in the exact same positions as they were before Todoroki made the ice wall as they were when it was completely done. Aizawa had already thrown his capture tape, and was mid air when Todoroki began to make the ice wall, and the next time we see Aizawa, he's still in the same position, as is his capture tape, except now it and the entire street around him are beginning to freeze. Aizawa doesn't realize this, because he didn't see this happening due to it occuring before he opened his eyes back, and has to quickly cut off his capture tape to not be frozen.
If Aizawa has already opened his eyes before the ice wall was fully formed, why didn't he just pull back his capture tape so he didn't have to cut it? Why didn't he just back away the second some of the wall was created? Why did he praise them for taking advantage of his weakness?
There is far more evidence to suggest that Todoroki made the entire ice wall before Aizawa had reopened his eyes than there is to say he didn't. Everything from Momo's comment, to the way the manga structures the creation of the ice wall, fo Aizawa's positioning and reaction to the ice wall suggest it was made before Aizawa had reopened his eyes.