What’s the reference in particular?
Pandora, Hephaestus, the box, The Great Evils.
I’d be bf own with seeing a new Vibe, something larger then the Norse but not necessarily the same as the Greek. Have the games reinvent themselves based off mythology
hack and slash = Greek
RPG = Norse
Maybe have something closer to Asura’s Bayonetta for Egypt and something closer to horror/Dark Souls for the Celtic Pantheon
Egypt could be a return to massive spectacle battles like Greece, Japan could be all about pure speed, and Celtic Pantheon could be about horror, aye.
Mayans could be about the jungles and aquatic life.
Tbh that barely counts smh
Lowkey sad her and Apollo aren’t side bosses in Ragnarok
I mean, there's no point seeing them as bosses in Norse. But ye, no physical appearance of one of the most important gods is genuinely saddening.
Could help explain how the pantheons are connected to (how the **** does it work?)
Only way I see it is if the Egyptian/Greek Pantheons were at war once and something caused them to enter a truce until the Greeks died so...
the verse will be downloaded
yeah I agree, I think we have pretty consistent 2-C reasoning based off everything like
Cronos making time (though **** this feat)
Morpheus merging realms
You forgot Atlas holding up the Greek Pantheon and Hercules temporarily doing it for him (And calling the entire thing completely lame compared to the praise Kratos got)
Thor affecting Yggdrasil
Surtur burning Asgard and shaking the realms
Not just the realm, the branch too. And if Kratos didn't save the day, Ratatoskr states that the entire tree would be burned to a crisp.
Yeah, this is legit, Odin also states that Ymir wasn't just some nobody he could just shank and end, Ymir was a force of nature according to his own words, to be reckoned with.
Odin sealing realms (unless it’s just the Bifrost)
Sealing the realms could just be Sealing I'd reckon
The Realm Tears
The Nidhogg stuff (like his kids and himself using a realm tear)
Heimdall’s horn transcending time
You forgot Garmr chewing through the fabric of the realms.
Not sure what the green rift does.