@Chariot190 Every character having access to magic and the soul and magic being one and the same in verse is the proof.
No it isn't. That is just proof they have a soul.
The page having everyone have soul hax is through the fact that the lore treats magic and souls as one and the same,
Nobody said otherwise. This is not proof to what's being contested.
the imp being able to deal spiritual damage and it targeting magic is the most blatant example of such as they're directly spelling it out for us that the magic is one's spirit.
That is cool and I can agree magic and the soul, in fact, connected by some means, whether directly or indirectly, maybe even the exact same. But that is not what's being contested.
The game translating spiritual attacks to the magic being drained from every hit implies otherwise.
That is cool. And also not evidence to what's being contested.
That's not my point with Dracula, if Alucard; someone who's far more knowledgeable about how the world works since he's been there since the start describes the magic that Soma has and Dracula's soul itself being one and the same, and that the castle itself, a magical creation of dracula literally described as a spiritual world, how is that not any indication that magic and souls are treated the same?
Literally nobody is saying magic and the soul aren't connected.
AKA anyone familiar with magic is controlling and manipulating the soul in general?
Manipulating one's own soul to use various magic, is not what is actually written on the profiles. What is written, is that all CoC has magic and thus can attack the soul or affect the soul.
This is not the same thing.
Except that every character ever in Castlevania isn't scaled to literally every random application of magic,
Maybe not, but they are being scaled to a bunch they shouldn't be still.
otherwise literally everyone would've had every ability of the Glyphs just because everyone has magical essence despite Shanoa and Ecclesia in general having more specific control over it than others. They're scaling across based on the most basic thing about what magic is, which is that it's the soul of someone.
Doesn't matter.
The Imp can create a special zone where its attacks change from physical to spiritual, Magnus can claw at one's soul. Now prove Skeleton Knight can do that too because that's what the profiles implicate and even outright state on the attacking part.
The cosmology blog itself literally explains the entire purpose of magic and how souls are tied to it,
I do not care what the cosmology blog says, it doesn't prove what is being contested.
Nobody is saying souls and magic are not connected.
plus I'm in the process of collecting all of the grimoire of souls scans which explains far more in depth of magic and souls being interchangeable and more proof for the UES.
Nobody is saying magic and souls aren't connected, nobody is saying there isn't a UES.
Is it my fault that people didn't read the cosmology blog that's on the verse page which explains how the series works?
The blog doesn't say what you're arguing. I wouldn't saying anything is your fault, at least not right now.
That might be the case in the future if one doesn't want to index and detail stuff as it should be, at the moment, I'm just chalking it up to being an older profile.
Alraune's plant magic is not the same as the imp and you know it,
Of course it isn't the same, which is my point, none of this is the same, yet it's being scaled to everyone.
don't make these apples to oranges comparisons with these random monsters when we have numerous statements on magic and souls being used interchangeably and not magic and plants,
Magic and souls being connected, does not mean every character with magic can create special astral zones in which all physical damage that they deal is converted to soul damage instead (Which in and of itself is proof it isn't an intrinsic quality they all have, as not even the character who has that ability, has intrinsic spiritual damage before doing that), nor can they deal a magic soul based curse that causes one to be immobilized.
otherwise I'd have argued that every character would've had plant manipulation from that alone.
That is not my concern, it is precisely what is happening here, just with something different.
This is not just simply sharing a power system, it's the fact the series literally treats magic and souls as one and the same, meaning if you're able to manipulate magic (something everyone has in the series) you can control and manipulate souls, which you've already agreed to so why are you saying this is character specific when you've conceded to the main arguments that magic and souls are the same?
That isn't at all what it means. You're extrapolating, greatly at that. All while ignoring 95% of them
literally can't.
The most, the absolute most you could say, is that they can all manipulate their
own soul to a minor degree, because their magic and their soul is connected.
That is all this suggests.
This does not mean they can rip out someone else's soul, this does not mean they can destroy someone's soul, this does not mean they can alter and manipulate the soul of others, this does not mean they can drain the soul of others to amp or heal themselves, or this, or that.
These all special, unique, moves or abilities specific enemies have, the average Zombie can not do all that. The profiles all state they can
attack and affect souls, that is what is being contested, not the fact characters happen to have souls to begin with.
Said special unique method is also not the only way they have spiritual attacks, you can say that they're separate types of soul hax but at the end of the day it's still soul hax if that attack is still labeled as a spiritual attack by the game itself.
Yes, soul body control, soul rip, soul drain, and more, can all be classified as spiritual attacks.
The problem is, these all do very different things, and the methodology is not shared between all demons and enemies. You are listing everything under a blanket soul hax, and listing it for everything.
And despite the active admittance they aren't the same, which I will take as proof it should be removed, the profile states that all basic CoC can attack souls, even though right here you're agreeing that isn't particularly true.
This is just refusal to index things properly, and blanketing everything under "soul manip", which is extremely misleading and subject for abuse, most of all, subject to abuse unintentionally. A normal dude can read the profile, and they simply wouldn't even know they're exploiting the wording because why would they doubt what it says?
Index stuff properly, I have nothing else to say beyond that.
What part of this is strawmanning when I'm explaining why this is used for evidence that magic and souls are the same?
Because nobody was arguing that to begin with. It's also not evidence for what you're being asked to prove.
It isn't common despite the fact you already agreed that magic and souls are treated as one and the same, ok.
Not really a point when it's still accepted
This is a CRT. It being accepted doesn't matter.
and numerous other franchises carry the same effect with their UES having default abilities due to the nature of such. You can say DMC and GoW are contentious but them among other franchises like Marvel have this as something box standard for those familiar with its magic system. Unless they're nuked completely they're still examples to be used in regards to cross scaling with abilities.
I do not care about other verses. We aren't downgrading them, we are not upgrading them, we aren't doing anything with them, this is about Castlevania. Marvel is ALSO contentious.
They aren't examples to be used for anything, they're their own verse. Each verse should be indexed on its own merits and context, because context can vary.
This is a non-argument. And also another whataboutism, as such again I will bring forth some of my own below.
This is just saying "These verses do something like this, so it's ok", without supplying the evidence or proof actually asked of you.
You do realize Soul Manipulation the page itself doesn't remotely break down into sub categories of soul manipulation right? The first paragraph literally says this:
I was recently told by a mod about framing things with wording like "Do you realize/think [thing]". Apparently, that type of framing isn't appreciated here, so I ask you to do the same. Allegedly it's because it implicates the other person thinks the preceeding response, I don't exactly think so, but it is what it is, and I've been taking ample effort to not word stuff like that, and I'm not one for double standards. Do not do it again.
Anyhow, I am aware, it is on us, as well as the actual profiles themselves, to specify though, what a character's "Manip" in question can actually do, or what it encompasses.
Nothing here remotely says that Soul Manipulation is limited to only attacking the soul,
Nope, but that's what's being argued to be removed from the Creatures of Chaos as a universal ability.
Especially because many characters have resistances to soul manipulation, framed as soul damage, for that very reason.
and that other applications of soul manipulation is still viable,
Of course soul hax can be used in many ways, the problem, again, is that the Creatures of Chaos page goes "Here's what the soul hax can do", and then goes "Btw every characters has this".
This is misleading, this is wrong, the way the profiles, at the moment are written, have it so every character with Basic CoC abilities, have the Imp's or Magnus' specific soul-based attacks. They do not.
so this is less of you arguing it's not soul manipulation and you just saying there's different forms of soul manipulation,
Yep. If you really, really, want to go that route, I suppose every character in Castlevania does in fact have a soul, and I suppose a good chunk can use their soul to utilize mana to utilize varying forms of magic (I say most because a handful still can't even do that).
This, is not what the profiles say though. They just say basic goons have Soul Hax, and lists examples of stuff that isn't universal, like soul damage, which is written in a way that makes it so they have it, which then leads into resistances covering those specific things, even though it isn't universal, and it's honestly just not how we do things on the wiki, at least not within the past half decade. Usually we strive to be detailed to avoid this type of situation.
which congrats, that's literally the description of the page itself. This is still soul hax regardless of how you describe the effects of it.
Index things properly please. You're actively conceeding various characters and demons have different types of soul hax of which it isn't all shared between them, You're agreeing with me at this point, and in such a case, actually index it properly, only list the universal aspects on the CoC page that they actually have, rewrite it to actually reflect what they can do with it, and then remove the resistances where not applicable.
The description of the attack, especially in the strategy guide literally says to mash buttons to break out of it, that's literally classic God of War QTE shenanigans where Kratos resists and breaks out of a spell that was affecting him, which is the base for some of his most iconic resistances.
Please do not use GoW as an example. This also didn't tackle a single thing I said.
If that's the case with him, that should be looked at again too.
Also, is that strategy guide canon? I noticed it was English. Castlevania is obviously a japanese game.
Of course, I'm not denying it can't be canon. For example the MGS Piggyback guides count for canon, and they're European. But that's because they worked directly with Kojipro and Kojima for example.
Is that the same here? Otherwise the primary Japanese guide should be used.
Unless scripted QTEs aren't viable to use for indexing purposes I don't see why this is invalid to use.
They are, the problem is frame of reference.
For this specific attack, we only have the player characters. we only have examples of the attack being broken. Keyword is
This is not the same as Kratos being petrified, and then breaking free or whatever, because in that case we know that say, a Gorgn's petrification, is permanent or lasts much longer or is much more potent usually, because we've seen it used on a 3rd party sample size like civillians. So when Kratos breaks free, we can go "Oh, he broke free and mitigated it, even though these other dudes could not. That is resistance".
This doesn't apply here, the Imp has only ever been broken free of, unless there's a case where it's been used on someone to cross compare. If it has then sure, it's resistance, if not, we can not assume it is. A statement would also work, even just a mundane they deal with that specific thing better. If such a thing has happened, post it.
I'm only saying that because GoS literally has these zombies with these effects in the first place. Also it doesn't matter if it's not exactly what the imp is doing with the spatial realm or what Magnus is doing (which is literally his normal attacks and not something special), they're all classified under affecting the soul in some way shape or form,
Please index things properly. Remove anything that isn't universal. You can keep the soul=mana slop, but in no way should we be listing Imp stuff, Magnus stuff, mana drain (We don't, I don't think? But you've brought that up as an argument), and more as examples for the universal blanket, and especially not when it comes to resistances.
You are effectively agreeing here.
and magic and souls are the same in the franchise,
so everyone that has magic is able to affect the soul,
Nope. Nothing says that, nothing shows that. Only a handful actually can, and the fact they can, is usually noted, or is a special ability.
1999 AoS Zombie can not damage mana, drain mana, create a special zone that swaps physical to soul, can not swap HP with Mana like Killer Mantle, can't do anything really, just shank you and throw grenades.
Yes this thing has mana (Not much but it does), but it can not use it in a way that matters, it simply
has mana, aka, it simply has a soul if we treat mana and souls as the same, but it can't do anything with it.
Which is to say, a character having a soul, isn't exactly soul manipulation. And a character manipulating their own soul to use as a source of power, isn't the same as all the stuff the profiles implicate or even straight up list that they have.
I really don't understand why I have to repeat this process but apparently I do.
You need to give proof for what's being contested. Characters having souls, and mana and souls being connected, are not what you need to prove here.
Can you please pay attention to the points I'm making with Dracula and Soma and his castle ffs?
I did, they're either not what's being asked of you, already agreed upon, or not relevant.
Me bringing up Dracula's magic and Soma's soul being one and the same is NOT me saying that every monster has dracula's magic, this is me saying that Alucard, one of the most knowledgeable characters in the franchise is spelling out to Soma that souls and magic are one and the same, as that's literally his entire story that he's the reincarnation of dracula due to the magic he has.
Yes. This isn't what's being argued, nor effects what is being argued.
Dracula's castle being a spiritual world and a manifestation of his magic is NOT me saying this is scaling to every monster (there's a reason not every creature of chaos has dark lord status),
Nobody said otherwise. Also that scan is ironically in the basic creatures tab.
this is me saying that the series flat out tells us that a literal manifestation of magic is yet again described as something spiritual or soul based. Meaning that magic and the soul are the same,
Yes, nobody said otherwise.
and every single monster and hunter in the franchise has some familiarity with magic and can utilize it in combat,
That is objectively not true. Many monsters can't.
so their applications are universal as literally everyone who can fight has some knowledge with magic.
Not how this works. Characters sharing a UES, doesn't mean everything that UES can do is able to be done by every character.
The glyphs are proof that literally everyone and everything in the franchise has magic, otherwise how the hell is Shanoa able to draw power of the glyphs from every monster and the environment itself?
Yes things have souls. Nobody said otherwise.
Again you keep saying that it's not the specific type of soul hax, but that's irrelevant as Soul hax on the wiki is not divided into sub categories at all.
Index things properly please. The goal is to index things in sufficient detail.
Not all mindhax is the same, not all biomanip is the same, not all time manip is the same (This is an obvious example). These abilities usually don't get sub-categorized, but we still explain it in detail, because we explain what the characters we index actually do.
For example, given you brought for other verses.
Dio Brando can stop time. Jotaro can resist it. Do we just say it's time manip and Jotaro resists time manip and call it a day? No, we specify it's time stop, specify to what extent they resist it and how.
The way the Castlevania profiles are framed, would be like if we slapped a blanketed Time Manip res onto Jotaro, don't elaborate what type of time manip he's actually resisting, and then use examples of King Crimson deleting time-space, or BTD straight up blowing up time as examples of the time manip in question and say "Time Manip (Stands can destroy time)", even though Jotaro, despite resisting time stop, absolutely doesn't resist the very destruction of time itself, and has even been effected by it (Such is the case with quite a few of the Castlevania characters being affected by various methods of soul manip).
And then arguing time manip is time manip, so it's fine.
The Castlevania profiles need to be indexed properly, what soul manip each character actually has, needs to be indexed, what each one can resist, actually needs to be indexed. This shouldn't even be argued, we should just actually index stuff best we can, not shrug and go "soul manip is soul manip" even if they're anything but the same.
So can you bring up anything else that isn't just saying it's not the exact type of soul hax when the sub divisions don't even exist?
As above, we still index stuff like that and have for many years.
1999 Zombie or literally any monster you can mention literally is infused with magic in someway shape or form,
Yes, they have a soul, but as explained above, that doesn't mean they can really do anything with it half the time.
the glyphs literally showing everything in the world has magic is proof of that,
Yes but not relevant to what's being contested.
also again Glyphs being there isn't me saying they use glyphs,
Nobody said as much.
the glyphs is literally the in lore universe explaining that all things in the world has magic,
which is how Shanoa even channels the glyph's powers.
If none of them had any traces of magic then the glyphs wouldn't be possible for Shanoa to absorb, and literally everything has it.
Yep, things can have souls and mana, what matters is how they use them.
Specific traits like the fact that spiritual damage is translated to the magic itself being affected?
Which is something not every character can do, and the few that can, is done in a specific way.
Again you've already agreed that souls and magic are one and the same so repeating that it's specific to them is irrelevant as everything has magic.
This is, again, like the Hit example given you like to bring up other verses.
Every character in DBZ has Ki>Hit can manipulate time with Ki>Ki is capable of time manip>Everything has Ki.
And then the Ki profile goes "Time Manip (Ki can manipulate time)". Made worse because Ki has aspects of the spirit involved.
So everything has time manip.
That is essentially the logic at play here. As said last post, you're conflating a shared UES to blanket specific things done with that UES as if everyone has it. Time Manip is specific to Hit, in much the same way the soul damaging stuff is unique to specific demons, and as such, despite everything having a soul, these abilities should not be given to everything because of it. If you conceede there's differences, which you have, you should be agreeing to rewrite it at the very least, not double down and say it is fine.
I'm talking about Magnus the Incubus, his powers is flat out stated to be spiritual power and spiritual attacks, and breaking it made him weaker. If it made him weaker and magic is literally tied to one's strength in the series, souls and magic are one and the same here.
Yep. Not relevant to the point of contention though.
Chariot stop with this willful misinterpretation here, that's not what's being argued here. If I argued that literally everyone in the series has literally every single application of magic ever, everyone would have glyph,
Accuse me of "willful misintepretation" and I'll be taking this to RVR or Hr or wherever staff complaints get brought to. As a staff you should know better. That isn't in good faith.
I am simply responding to the arguments given, the problem is what you are giving, is not what is being asked of you or contested to begin with.
Anyway, no, it doesn't matter if that's what's being argued here, that's what the profiles say in the end, and thus what the CRT is tackling.
It might not be what you, in particular, at this very instance, is arguing, but it
is on the profiles, and as such, should be worded, framed and index differently to properly convey what is actually the case instead of being exceptionally misleading, or at worst, downright wrong.
Belnades, Renard and Belmont magic, but they don't and I gave them the most fundamental form of cross scaling with magic and souls being the same.
Not relevant. It is not the same, and if it is, the profiles need to be fixed to convey the info properly and thus would need to be overhauled.
Regardless, you failed to give the evidence asked of you. And essentially conceeded on not all soul manip being the same, with not all lads being able to do said soul manip the same way, but argued we, the wiki, do not differentiate. I have nothing else to say here. This was all the proof I needed, or moreso lackthereof.
Soul Manipulation (
Magic is capable of attacking/ affecting the soul in the series,)"
This is what is written. This is what's listed on every profile for the most part. Every CoC is given Soul manip that is capable of attacking and effecting the soul, as that is what is written, and then denoted to be a blanket universal ability almost everything has.
What Glass has argued for, is not what is listed. Simply having magic, is not the same as using that magic to attack or affect the souls of others. As the profiles, at this time, are written, make it so even the most basic skeleton has soul attacking magic.
I agree with the OP, we shouldn't be giving every Creature of Chaos soul manip for simply having a soul.
We shouldn't be using scans that are framed and implicate every Creature of Chaos can do said things when they objectively can't. We shouldn't be giving numerous characters a blanketed resistance to soul manip for that same reason.
All Glass has given evidence for, is the souls and magic do be connected, and that the vast majority of things have a soul, which is fine, I don't think anyone disagreed with that.
Zero evidence has been given that every demon has intrinsic soul damage on their attacks, can do the aforementioned variants of soul manip (Immobilization, Astral/Damage swap, Soul Drain, Soul Damage), and as such, any scans implicating as such, should be removed, the same goes for resistances against said things unless the characters in question actually resisted said thing.
Instead, I propose that we simply list the Glyph scans and whatnot and write it as
Creatures of Chaos have mana, which is the soul".
Because that's essentially what's actually the case.
But should also specify not all Creatures of Chaos can even use said mana they have to begin with. Which makes me think it shouldn't really be a blanket ability as just having a soul isn't exactly an ability. But whatever, I can agree to at least list they have mana, how they use it, or what it can do would vary tho. Anyway unless actual evidence is posted, my vote is solid.