I need to talk to him...
"Hey, honey?" I say in a calming tone, I have no idea how to address this without sounding confrontational...
"Mhhyesss?" Adrian responds, stringy daemonmuscle dangling from the corner of his mouth, noticing it, he sucks it up with an audible slurp
I give a slight shudder
"Now, I love defiling daemons in the name of thy lorde as much as the next faithful, but you seem to be, how do I say this without sounding rude?... you seem to be taking a sadistic pleasure in ending their lives"
"I-I-I-I-i-i-i-i" He tries to maintain his composure, his cool deep voice, but this fails terribly and into a stammering mess he devolves
"T-talk to me"
"Remember when I d-died?"
"How could I forget? It was the day I almost lost my baby boy for good"
"Well while I was dead, I was in hell, being... defiled by demons"
Defiled... wait
"I s-s-saw-w-w on-ne of th-he da-aem-mons in the crowd an-n-nd I j-j-just... Snapped. I w-w-wan-nted t-them to suffer" he says, devolving into a mess of tears.
"They can;t hurt you now can they? Not with your mama around that is!" I say, adorning a dumb wide grin. Adrain wipes the tears off his brow
"C'mon, let's go back to that... base, thingy?" I say, and just like that, Adrian grabs ahold of me, and flies me to the base
"I h-h-hope y-you d-don't m-m-mi-ind me fl-lying th-hrough the Atlantic Ocean. It's al-lways p-pretty at this time"
"Not at all! Besides I've always wondered myself what the Atlantic Ocean looks like when your telekinetically flying above it!"