No, it's not obvious. Or rather, what seems obvious to me, is that by "stopping the movement of the stars" one implies the apparent movement of the stars around the Earth. This movement is due to the rotation of the Earth (around itself and around the sun). The real movement of the stars is invisible to the naked eye.
No, they don't. If I say "I'm going to stop a train" that doesn't mean I imply the movement of the train relative to you.
And yes, while almost imperceptible, was still measured.
For example, the precession of the equinoxes, something that is almost entirely undetectable, as the axis rotation of the Earth's cycle is around 26,000 years, was discovered in 200 BCE by Hipparchus.
These things are known to Pre-Modern societies, they are not new discoveries.
And that's not even taking into account the fact that said societies did not base their entire understanding of society on the stars and draw magic from it, with the study of the Stars and charting their course being the primary focus of the Magical academy.
Further compounded by the fact that everyone is also Immortal and cannot die, their collective knowledge on the stars would be well and above sufficient to understand this Hellenistic discovery.
No, the fact that the stars are hundreds or thousands of LY away (thousands rather than millions, the Milky Way is 50,000 LY in radius) does not a priori diminish their perceived speeds.
What? It doesn't matter, our understanding of the Universe, which is how we're determining Elden Ring's as a baseline, has stars that are millions of light years away.
Secondly, no, the Milky Way isn't 50,000 Light years in radius, more recent calculations place it at
129,000 light years with an estimated 100-400 Billion stars.
Simply, their positions and their perceived speeds are those of hundreds or thousands of years ago.
Yeah, that doesn't matter, because perceived Celestial events can occur faster than the speed of light.
We can see these things. You are trying to limit fiction by Real world logic.
But this is off-topic because, again, I think that when we talk about the motion of the stars we are talking about the motion visible from the point of view of the Earth aka the one caused by the motion of the Earth itself.
There's no evidence to support this, and going by historical understandings, also disproves this because WE already know by the time of the Romans that the Fixed stars can move.
You are speculating and I do not have to respond to it.
It is said that he stopped their cycles. If we talk about the movement of the stars within the constellations, it doesn't make sense because these movements are not cyclical.
Everything cycles around something, only the most massive things in the existence don't circle around things, this is such a baby concept to understand.
Planets circle around Stars, Stars and their Solar Systems circle around Supermassive Black Holes.
Yes, constellations have a cycle. The stars that make up the constellations move, and would have moved after thousands of years of observing them.
Furthermore, if it was merely the view of them moving and therefore the Planet that is being affected, not the Stars, why wouldn't they say he locked in the planet instead?
They were very specific about the stars themselves being affected, not the planet, and we have no evidence or statements to say that it is the planet and the perception being altered.
In fact, given that there's an entire society of Astronomers, they would have realised this and acted accordingly, but no, they don't tell us anything, we know its the stars being affected, not the perception, its why the stars and meteorites move when Radahn is killed.
That's why I said that it would be necessary to also alter the course of the Sun so that the day-night cycle remains. But yes, it is very far-fetched.
Such theories are not supported by the evidence provided.
I didn't understand. Surely, Rennala is a better mage. She hasn't mastered gravitational magic though. What makes you say that Margit is physically stronger than Radahn?
He literally stabbed him in the shoulder as Margit and knocked him to the floor.