Welcome to the Glass Cannon group XD Personally I almost obliterate everything but I go down in four shots at best lol
Maybe. Can't remember if it was the case for the Old Hunters in Bloodborne though, in all fairness I was more focused on surviving and defeating the boss
Thought about it but like I said, I really want to play with my Odin character and I had pretty much everything with him, even Malenia. So if I make a "new character", it'll just be the same but for the sake of avoiding the DLC to be too hard due to NG+. Considering I did almost everything on my Odin playthrough, including Ranni's quest, Fia's quest, the Haligtree, etc, that would mean going through it all over again even if I choose to no go through Malenia. Btw, I wonder if we'll have different dialogues and interactions with Miquella based on if we defeated Malenia or not.