It's so hopeful to see the (more established) DB supporters being reasonable.
If you think about it, OP is making a list of Akira being
involved in the productions of the show. Or validating these other medias as "Dragon Ball"
This, however,
is not definitive evidence that these separate media have canonical elements that are present in the manga, but just never been shown
In fact, that's counterintuitive, if he wants to inform something is canonical in his original work, why wouldn't he include references to these instances in said original work?
This comes from a misinterpretation of the evidence presented, I'll break them down
- Akira Toriyama is involved in the productions of the anime
This is absolutely meaningless for the argument OP is trying to make
Just because the author is involved with adaptations of their work, that doesn't, shouldn't, and wouldn't mean that said adaptation is canon, much less have canonical elements. Case in point, Akira said the anime is a different world than the manga. He can add stuff to
that particular world without affecting his original work.
- Akira supports and validates the anime version
That's marketing for you baby. All he did was say both anime and manga are valid ways to enjoy the story. This means
freaking NOTHING when it comes to deciding what's canon or not. He just said that both products are still in the spirits of Dragon Ball and what it stands for.
What else was there? Nothing?
All the evidence supported these two particular points, which are empty caskets that don't amount to nothing. Leaving the compiled evidence as nothing more than a leg for table that could never hold the weight of what it wanted to prove.
I disagree.